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644 病室内配备有独立卫生间等生活设施,确保患者活动范围固定于隔离病室内。 The room shall be equipped with facilities such as a bathroom and the patient’s activity must be confined to the isolation ward.
645 2.4患者管理 2.4 Patient Management
646 1)谢绝家属探视和陪护,患者可携带电子通信设备与外界沟通; (1) Family visits and nursing shall be declined. Patients should be allowed to have their electronic communication devices to facilitate interactions with loved ones;
647 2)开展就诊患者教育,使其了解新冠病毒的防护知识,指导其佩戴外科口罩、正确洗手、咳嗽礼仪、医学观察和居家隔离等。 (2) Educate patients to help them prevent further spread of COVID-19, and provide instructions on how to wear surgical masks, proper handwashing, cough etiquette, medical observation and home quarantine.
648 二. 工作人员管理 II. Staff Management
649 工作管理 Workflow Management
650 1)工作人员进入隔离区域前,对穿脱个人防护用品必须经过严格培训和考核,合格后才能进入; (1) Before working in a fever clinic and isolation ward, the staff must undergo strict training and examinations to ensure that they know how to put on and remove personal protective equipment. They must pass such examinations before being allowed to work in these wards.
651 2)工作人员实行小组制模式。 (2) The staff should be divided into different teams.
652 组内人员分时段进入隔离区域(污染区),建议每次在隔离区域时间一般不超过4小时; Each team should be limited to a maximum of 4 hours of working in an isolation ward. The teams shall work in the isolation wards (contaminated zones) at different times.
653 3)集中安排治疗、检查、消毒等工作,减少工作人员进出隔离病房频率; (3) Arrange treatment, examination and disinfection for each team as a group to reduce the frequency of staff moving in and out of the isolation wards.