ID 原文 译文
685 发热门诊 Fever outpatient department
686 隔离病区(含重症监护病区) Isolation ward area (including isolatedintensive ICU)
687 疑似/确诊患者非呼吸道标本检验 Non-respiratory specimen examination of suspected/confirmed patients
688 疑似/确诊患者影像学检查 Imaging examination of suspected/confirmed patients
689 疑似/确诊患者手术器械的清洗 Cleaning of surgical instruments used with suspected/confirmed patients
690 疑似/确诊患者可能发生呼吸道分泌物、体(血)液喷射或飞溅的工作时(如气管插管、气管切开、纤维支气管镜、胃肠镜等) When the staff performs operations such as tracheal intubation, tracheotomy, bronchofibroscope, gastroenterological endoscope, etc., during which, the suspected/confirmed patients may spray or splash respiratory secretions or body fluids/blood
691 为确诊/疑似患者实施手术、尸检 When the staff performs surgery and autopsy for confirmed/suspected patients
692 新冠核酸检测 When the staff carries out NAT for COVID-19
694 1.所有医疗场所工作人员均佩戴医用外科口罩; 1. All staff at the healthcare facilities must wear medical surgical masks;
695 2.急诊、感染科门诊、呼吸科门诊、口腔科、普通内镜检查(如胃肠镜、纤维支气管镜、喉镜等)工作人员在一级防护的基础上,医用外科口罩升级为医用防护口罩(N95); 2. All staff working in the emergency department, outpatient department of infectious diseases, outpatient department of respiratory care, department of stomatology or endoscopic examination room (such as gastrointestinal endoscopy, bronchofibroscopy, laryngoscopy, etc.) must upgrade their surgical masks to medical protective masks (N95) based on Level I protection;