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817 报告相关部门 Report to relevant departments
818 除完整皮肤暴露外,其余情况暴露者单间隔离观察14天,如有症状及时报告相关部门 Isolate and observe people with exposures other than intact skin exposure for 14 days. In case of symptoms, report to the relevant departments in a timely manner
819 1)皮肤暴露:被大量肉眼可见的患者体液、血液、分泌物或排泄物等污物直接污染皮肤; (1) Skin exposure: The skin is directly contaminated by a large amount of visible bodily fluids, blood, secretions or fecal matter from the patient.
820 2)粘膜暴露:被肉眼可见的患者体液、血液、分泌物或排泄物等污物直接污染粘膜(如眼睛、呼吸道); (2) Mucous membrane exposure: Mucous membranes, such as the eyes and respiratory tract are directly contaminated by visible bodily fluids, blood, secretions or fecal matter from the patient.
821 3)锐器伤:被直接接触了确诊患者体液、血液、分泌物或排泄物等污物的锐器刺伤; (3) Sharp object injury: Piercing of the body by sharp objects that were directly exposed to the patient's bodily fluids, blood, secretions or fecal matter.
822 4)呼吸道直接暴露:在未戴口罩的确诊患者1米范围内口罩脱落,暴露口或鼻。 (4) Direct exposure of respiratory tract: Falling off of a mask, exposing the mouth or nose to a confirmed patient (1 miter away) who is not wearing a mask.
823 COVID-19患者相关手术感控流程 Surgical Operations for Suspected or Confirmed Patients
824 8.1手术室环境及人员防护要求 8.1 Requirements for Operation Rooms and Staff PPE
825 1)安排在负压手术室。 (1) Arrange the patient in a negative pressure operating room.
826 提前开启负压手术室,保持合适温度、湿度及负压; Verify the temperature, humidity and air pressure in the operation room;