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827 2)备齐手术必需物品,尽量使用一次性的手术物品; (2) Prepare all required items for the operation and use disposable surgical items if possible;
828 3)所有进入手术间参与手术人员(包括手术医生、麻醉医生、洗手护士、手术室巡回护士)均在缓冲间穿戴好防护用品:戴双层帽子,医用防护口罩,医用护目镜,医用防护服,靴套,乳胶手套,正压头套; (3) All surgical personnel (including surgeons, anesthesiologists, hand-washing nurses, and charge nurses in operating room) should put on their PPE in the buffer room before entering the operating room: Put on double caps, medical protective mask (N95), medical goggles, medical protective clothing, boot covers, latex gloves, and powered air-purifying respirator;
829 4)手术操作人员及洗手护士在以上基础上穿戴一次性无菌手术衣、无菌手套; (4) The surgeons and the hand-washing nurses should wear disposable sterile operating clothes and sterile gloves in addition to the PPE as mentioned above;
830 5)患者根据情况可戴一次性帽子及一次性外科口罩; (5) Patients should wear disposable caps and disposable surgical masks according to their situation;
831 6)缓冲间巡回护士在负压手术间缓冲区内负责物品传递; (6) The charge nurses in the buffer room are responsible for delivering items from the buffer area to the negative pressure operating room;
832 7)手术期间,关闭缓冲间及手术间门,手术间达到负压状态方可实施手术; (7) During the operation, the buffer room and the operating room shall be tightly closed, and the operation must be carried out only if the operation room is under negative pressure;
833 8)杜绝无关人员进入该手术间。 (8) Irrelevant personnel shall be excluded from entering the operating room.
834 8.2手术后的终末消毒处理流程 8.2 Procedures for Final Disinfection
835 1)医疗废物:按新冠相关医疗废物处理; (1) Medical waste shall be disposed of as COVID-19 related medical waste;
836 2)可复用医疗器械:按新冠相关可复用医疗器械消毒流程消毒处理; (2) Reusable medical devices shall be disinfected according to the disinfection procedures of SARS-CoV-2 related reusable medical devices;