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857 1)通过远程会诊、远程MDT,汇聚专家智慧,给疑难病症以最佳治疗方案; (1) Collect shared knowledge and experience of experts through remote consultation and multidiscipline team (MDT) to offer the optimum therapeutics for difficult and complicated cases.
858 2)利用移动查房和远程查房,减少医务人员不必要的暴露风险,降低工作强度,节约防护物资; (2) Take mobile and remote rounds to lower unnecessary exposure risks and work intensity of medical personnel while saving protective supplies.
859 3)通过电子健康码和提前推送的在线流行病学调查问卷,掌握患者最新的健康状况,一方面指导患者,特别是发热或疑似患者有效分流就诊;另一方面,保证医务人员在各个业务节点均能提前识别患者健康状况,有效防范感染风险; (3) Access the patients’ latest health conditions electronically through health QR codes (note: everyone is required to obtain a GREEN code through the health QR system to travel around the city) and online epidemiological questionnaires in advance to provide triage guidance to the patients, especially those with fever or suspected cases, while effectively preventing the risk of infection.
860 4)利用发热门诊患者专科电子病历和新冠肺炎CT影像AI系统,降低工作强度,快速识别疑似患者,减少漏诊。 (4) Electronic health records of patients in fever clinics and the CT imaging AI system for COVID-19 can help reduce the work intensity, quickly identify highly-suspected cases and avoid missed diagnoses.
861 快速响应抗疫紧急需求 Rapid Response to Emergency Needs of COVID-19 Containment
862 1)基于云医院系统弹性扩展业务所需的数字化基础资源,即时部署疫情应急响应所需的信息系统, 例如新设立的发热门诊、发热留观室和隔离病房等抗疫专设部门所需的数字化系统; (1) Basic digital resources required by a cloud-based hospital system allows for immediate usage of the information systems needed for emergency response to the epidemic, such as the digital systems equipped for newly established fever clinics, fever observation rooms and isolation wards.
863 2)利用互联网架构的医院信息系统,一方面实现医务人员在线培训并一键部署使用系统,另一方面方便系统运维人员实时远程维护,快速发布业务所需新功能。 (2) Utilize the hospital information system based on the Internet infrastructure frame to conduct online training for healthcare workers and one-click deployment system, and to facilitate the operation and support engineers to perform remote maintenance and new functions update for medical care.
864 【浙一互联网医院—互联网医疗典范】 【FAHZU Internet + Hospital - A Model for Online Healthcare】
865 自疫情发生以来,浙一互联网医院快速加入浙江省互联网医院新冠肺炎义诊通道,开设专家团队义诊,提供24小时免费在线答疑,为全国乃至全球的患者提供远程医疗服务,让患者足不出户就能享受到浙大一院优质医疗服务,也减少了因为就医而引起的疫情播散和院内交叉感染。 Since the outbreak of COVID 19, FAHZU Internet+ Hospital quickly shifted to offer online healthcare through Zhejiang’s Online Medical Platform with 24-hour free online consultation, providing telemedicine service to patients in China and even around the world. Patients are provided access to the first-rate medical services of FAHZU at home, which reduces the chances of transmission and cross infection as a result of their visits to the hospital.
866 截至3月14日,浙一互联网医院共在线服务患者逾万人。 As of March 14, over 10,000 people have used the FAHZU Internet+ Hospital online service.