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897 我们的经验是多学科协作诊治机制可以有效提高COVID-19的诊治效果。 Our experience is that MDT collaboration can greatly improve the effectiveness of the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
898 二. 病原学与炎症指标检查 II. Etiology and Inflammation Indicators
899 SARS-CoV-2核酸检测 Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid
900 1.1标本采集 1.1 Specimen Collection
901 选择合适的标本类型、正确的采集方法和时机对提高检测灵敏度十分重要。 Appropriate specimens, collection methods and collection timing are important to improve detection sensitivity.
902 标本类型包括:上呼吸道标本(咽拭子、鼻拭子、鼻咽抽取物)、下呼吸道标本(痰液、气道抽取物、肺泡灌洗液)、血液、粪便、尿液和结膜分泌物等。 Specimen t types include upper air way specimens (pharyngeal swabs, nasal swabs, nasopharyngeal secretions), lower air way specimens (sputum, air way secretions, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid), blood, feces, urine and conjunctival secretions.
903 痰等下呼吸道标本检出核酸阳性率高,应优先采集。 Sputum and other lower Respiratory tract specimens have a high positive rate of nucleic acids and should be collected preferentially.
904 SARS-CoV-2在II型肺泡细胞(AT2)中增殖,其释放峰值(peak of viral shedding)出现在发病后3~5d。 SARS-CoV-2 preferentially proliferates in t type II alveolar cell s (AT2) and peak of viral shedding appears 3 to 5 days after the onset of disease.
905 因此,发病初期如核酸检测阴性,应连续随访采样检测,核酸阳性率会明显提高。 Therefore, if the nucleic acid test is negative at the beginning, samples should continue to be collected and tested on subsequent days.
906 1.2核酸检测 1. 2 Nucleic Acid Detection