ID 原文 译文
927 重症患者IL-6、IL-10表达水平显著上升,监测IL-6、IL-10水平有助于评估患者重症化风险。 The expression level s of IL-6 and IL-10 in severe patients are increased greatly. Monitoring the level s of IL-6 and IL-10 is helpful to assess the risk of progression to a severe condition.
928 继发细菌真菌感染的检测 Detection of Secondary Bacterial or Fungal Infections
929 重症、危重症患者易继发细菌、真菌感染。 Severe and critically ill patients are vulnerable to secondary bacterial or fungal infections.
930 根据感染部位采集合格标本进行细菌、真菌培养。 Qualified specimens should be collected from the infection site for bacterial or fungal culture.
931 怀疑肺部继发感染,宜采集深部痰标本、气管吸出物、肺泡灌洗液和毛刷标本等进行培养。 If secondary lung infection is suspected, sputum coughed from deep in the lungs, tracheal aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and brush specimens should be collected for culture.
932 高热患者应及时进行血培养。 Timely blood culture should be per formed in patients with high fever.
933 留置导管的疑似脓毒症患者,同时送检外周静脉血和导管血进行培养。 Blood cultures drawn from peripheral venous or catheters should be per formed in patients with suspected sepsis who had an indwelling catheter.
934 怀疑真菌感染患者,除真菌培养外,还建议至少每周两次送检血液G试验和GM试验。 It is recommended that they take blood G test and GM test at least twice a week in addition to fungal culture.
935 实验室安全防护 Laboratory Safety
936 应依据不同的实验操作风险程度确定生物安全防护措施。 Biosafety protective measures should be determined based on different risk levels of experimental process.