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1027 ①严重活动性出血或弥漫性血管内凝血者; ①Severe bleeding disease or disseminated intravascular coagulation;
1028 ②对治疗过程中所用血制品或药品如血浆、肝素和鱼精蛋白等严重过敏者; Those who are highly allergic to blood component s or drugs used in the treatment process such as plasma, heparin and protamine;
1029 ③急性脑血管意外或严重颅脑损伤者; Acute cerebrovascular diseases or severe head injury;
1030 ④慢性心功能不全,心功能分级为III级及以上者; Chronic cardiac failure, cardiac functional classification grade III;
1031 ⑤尚未纠正的低血压、休克; Uncontrolled hypotension and shock;
1032 ⑥严重的心律失常。 Severe arrhythmia.
1033 建议进行血浆置换联合血浆吸附或双重血浆分子吸附、灌流及滤过,血浆置换量建议2000mL以上。 Plasma exchange combined with plasma adsorption or dual plasma molecular adsorption, per fusion, and filtration is recommended according to the patients’ situation. 2000 mL of plasma should be exchanged when ALSS is per formed.
1034 具体操作方案请参考《人工肝血液净化系统应用于重型、危重型新型冠状病毒肺炎治疗的专家共识》。 Detailed operating procedures can be found in the Expert Consensus on the Application of Artificial Liver Blood Purification System in the Treatment of Severe and Critical Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia.
1035 我院经过人工肝治疗的危重型患者,ICU住院时间明显缩短;血清细胞因子IL-2/IL-4/IL-6/TNF-α水平显著下降,呼吸改善,氧饱和度提升。 ALSS significantly reduces the time that critically ill patients stay in the ICU in our hospital. Typically, the level s of serum cytokines such as IL-2/IL-4/IL-6/TNF-α are remarkably decreased, and oxygen saturation is significantly improved after ALSS.
1036 氧疗纠正低氧血症 Oxygen Therapy for Hypoxemia