ID 原文 译文
1296 ③与吡嗪酰胺联合使用可使血液中尿酸水平升高; Its combination with pyrazinamide increases the plasma uric acid level.
1297 ④与瑞格列奈联合使用会导致瑞格列奈血药浓度升高。 Its combination with repaglinide increases the plasma repaglinide level.
1299 严禁与莫西沙星、阿奇霉素、胺碘酮等可能导致Q-T间期延长的药物合用。 Prohibit to combine with the drugs that may lead to the prolonged Q-T interval (such as moxifloxacin, azithromycin, amiodarone, etc.).
1300 注:“—”无相关资料;TDM:治疗药物监测;AUC:药时曲线下面积; Note:“—”: no relevant data;TDM:therapeutic drug monitoring;AUC:area under the curve;
1301 UGT1A9:尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖苷酸基转移酶1A9 UGT1A9:uridine diphosphate glucosidase 1A9.
1302 特殊人群避免用药损伤 Avoiding medical damage in special populations
1303 特殊人群包括孕妇、肝肾功能不全,机械通气、连续肾脏替代治疗(Continuousrenal replacement therapy, CRRT)、体外膜肺氧合治疗(Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)等患者 Special populations include pregnant women, patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency, patients supported by mechanical ventilation, patients under continuous renal Replacement therapy (CRRT) or, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), etc.
1304 在给药过程中注意以下事项: The following aspect s need to be noted during drug administration.
1305 1)孕妇患者,可选用洛匹那韦/利托那韦,禁用法匹拉韦、磷酸氯喹等; (1) Pregnant women Lopinavir/ritonavir tablets could be used. Favipiravir and chloroquine phosphate are prohibited.
1306 2)肝功能不全患者,尽量选择原形经肾脏排泄的药物,比青霉素类、头孢菌素类等; (2) Patients with hepatic insufficiency Drugs that are excreted unchanged through the kidney are preferred, such as penicillin and cephalosporins, etc.