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1431 患者自行或在护士的帮助下用纸巾擦拭口水、鼻涕、痰液,包裹后丢入预置含氯2500mg/L消毒水的一次性密闭容器中。 Patients’ drool, snot, and sputum should be wiped with tissue paper, be disposed in a sealed container with chlorine-containing disinfectant (2500 mg/L).
1432 或直接用口腔吸引管吸入预置含氯2500mg/L消毒水的收集器。 Alternatively, secretions can be removed by oral mucus extractor or suctioning tube and be disposed in a sputum collector with chlorine-containing disinfectant (2500 mg/L).
1433 二. 机械通气患者护理 II. Nursing Care for Patients with Mechanical Ventilation
1434 气管插管配合 Intubation Procedures
1435 限制保证患者安全所需的最低医护人数,佩戴正压头套。 The number of the medical staff should be limited to the minimum number that can ensure the patient’s safety. Wear powered air-purifying respirator as PPE.
1436 插管前,充分镇痛、镇静,必要时肌松,同时做好血流动力学监测。 Before intubation, perform administration of sufficient analgesia and sedative, and use muscle relaxant if necessary. Closely monitor the hemodynamic response during intubation.
1437 操作完成后30分钟内,房间里减少人员走动,持续等离子空气净化消毒。 Reduce movement of staff in the ward, continuous purify and disinfect the room with plasma air purification technology for 30 min after completion of intubation.
1438 镇痛镇静、谵妄管理 Analgesia, Sedation and Delirium Management
1439 每日确定镇痛镇静目标,q4h评估镇痛程度(CPOT),q2h评估镇静深度(RASS/BISS),滴定调节镇痛镇静药物。 Determine the target pain management goal every day. Assess pain with every 4 hours (Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool, CPOT), measure sedation with every 2 hours (RASS/BISS). Titrate the infusion rate of analgesics and sedatives to achieve pain management goals.
1440 明确引起疼痛的操作前预镇痛。 For the known painful procedures, preemptive analgesia is administered.