ID 原文 译文
1698 清洁区 clean area 
1699 不获全胜决不轻言成功。 We will not proclaim success until we have secured the final victory over COVID-19.
1700 沧海横流,方显英雄本色。 True heroes arise in times of hardship.
1701 公共卫生安全是人类面临的共同挑战。 Public health security is a common challenge for humanity.
1702 生命安全和生物安全领域的重大科技成果是国之重器。 Major scientific and technological achievements in the fields of life safety and biosecurity are of vital importance to our country.  
1703 这是一次危机,也是一次大考。 This is a crisis and also a test.
1704 中国力量、中国精神、中国效率 China has demonstrated strength, character and efficiency in fighting against the epidemic.  
1705 负责任大国 a responsible major country
1706 聚集性疫情 outbreak in clusters
1707 二级传播(继发性传播) secondary transmission