ID 原文 译文
225 驰援武汉 race against the clock to assist Wuhan
226 初发症状 incipient symptoms
228 错峰上下班 staggered rush hour plan
229 打好武汉保卫战 win the battle against the coronavirus and protect the city of Wuhan
230 打击假冒伪劣 crack down on fake and shoddy products
231 杜绝瞒报漏报 say NO to concealing or underreporting infections
232 对口支援 pairing assistance (a national strategy in China for one province or a major city to provide assistance to a designated region in need of help)
233 方舱医院 temporary treatment centers
234 防控力量向社区下沉 empower communities to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus
235 防止大规模社区传播 prevent the wide spread of the coronavirus in communities