ID 原文 译文
236 防止信息恐慌 prevent panic and manage information properly
237 防止疫情跨境传播 prevent the epidemic from spreading across borders
238 分区分级精准防控 a region-specific, multi-level targeted approach to epidemic prevention and control 
239 粪口传播 fecal-oral transmission
240 感染控制、检验、特诊、放射诊断科室 infection control, clinical laboratory, special service and radiodiagnosis departments
241 隔空诊疗 online diagnosis and treatment
242 隔离病房 isolation ward
243 公开、透明、负责任态度 an open, transparent and responsible manner
244 拐点 turning point
245 冠状病毒工作组 Coronavirus Study Group (CSG)