ID 原文 译文
277 流行病学史 historical epidemiology
278 旅行限制 travel restriction
279 贸易禁令 trade restriction
280 没有硝烟的战争 a war without smoke
281 密切跟踪、及时分析、迅速行动 closely monitor, timely analyze, and swiftly respond to the epidemic
282 逆行者 people who brave a dangerous situation 
283 普通病区 inpatient ward
284 岂曰无衣,与子同裳 Fear not the want of armor, for mine is also yours to wear. | Together we stand, my armors thine.
285 气溶胶传播 aerosol transmission
286 氢氧治疗仪 oxy-hydrogen breathing machine