ID 原文 译文
287 全球防范监测委员会 Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB)
288 全球公共卫生安全 global public health security
289 群防群控 strengthen society-wide efforts to prevent and control the epidemic
290 山川异域,风月同天 While mountains and rivers separate us, we enjoy the same moonlight under the same sky. | miles apart but close at heart
291 社区疫情防控 community-based epidemic prevention and control
292 生活必需品 necessities of life | daily necessities
293 生命重于泰山 Saving lives is of paramount importance. 
294 世卫组织驻华代表处 WHO China Representative Office
295 试剂盒 test kit
296 室内空气流通 indoor ventilation