ID 原文 译文
371 14. 防控疫情的关键在哪里? 14. What is the key to prevent and control the outbreak?
372 15. 当前防控最有效的办法是什么? 15. What is the most effective way to prevent and control the outbreak at present?
373 16. 新型冠状病毒传染源是什么? 16. What is the infection source of novel coronavirus?
374 17. 新型冠状病毒人传人吗? 17. Can novel coronaviruses be transmitted from person to person?
375 18. 人会通过哪些途径被传染? 18. By which ways will people be infected?
376 19. 新型冠状病毒会变异吗? 19. Will the novel coronavirus mutate?
377 20. 新型冠状病毒感染是否会像SARS一样凶猛? 20. Will the novel coronavirus infection be as fierce as SARS?
378 第三部分 防控常识 Part III Prevention and Control Knowledge
379 21. 新型冠状病毒感染肺炎的病例监测措施主要有哪些? 21. What are the main monitoring measures for pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus?
380 22. 如何预防被新型冠状病毒感染? 22. How to prevent the novel coronavirus infection?