ID 原文 译文
461 20.新型冠状病毒是否会像SARS一样凶猛? 20. Will the novel coronavirus be as fierce as SARS?
462 研究显示,新型冠状病毒与SARS具有同源性,相似性约为70%,与MERS相似性约为40%。 The studies show that 2019-nCoV is homologous with SARS, with the similarity of about 70% and with MERS, about 40%.
463 新型冠状病毒与SARS相比传染性较弱,但与人体呼吸道上皮细胞仍具有较强亲和力,提示其对人体有一定感染能力。 Compared with SARS, 2019-nCoV has weak infectivity, but a good affinity with human respiratory epithelial cells, indicating certain infectivity for humans.
464 第三部分 防控常识 Part III Prevention and Control Knowledge
465 21.新型冠状病毒感染肺炎的病例监测措施主要有哪些? 21. What are the main monitoring measures for the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus?
466 各级各类医疗机构在新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎监测和日常诊疗过程中,应提高对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎病例的诊断和报告意识。 In the course of pneumonia monitoring and daily diagnosis and treatment of 2019-nCoV infection, medical institutions at all levels and of various types should enhance the awareness of diagnosis and reporting of pneumonia cases of 2019-nCoV infection.
467 对于不明原因发热、咳嗽等症状的病例,应注意询问发病前14天内的行踪或可疑暴露史,野生动物接触史,及其与类似病例的密切接触史。 For cases with fever, cough and other symptoms of unknown causes, they should pay attention to inquiring about the suspected exposure history within 14 days before the onset of the disease, the history of contact with wild animals, and the history of close contact with similar cases.
468 22.如何预防被新型冠状病毒感染? 22. How to prevent the novel coronavirus infection?
469 (1)做好冬春季呼吸道传染病预防 (1) Make efforts to prevent respiratory infectious disease in winter and spring
470 目前正处于冬春季传染病高发季节,市民要增强卫生健康意识,加强锻炼,规律作息,提高自身免疫力。 It is presently in the high-incidence season of the winter and spring infectious diseases, the public should enhance health awareness, do more exercise, have a regular work and rest to improve their immunity.