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50811 |
1. Thorough screening at communities
50812 |
Considering that more than 80 percent of all infections occurred in communities, authorities in Wuhan dispatched more than 80,000 government employees to conduct a thorough survey of all households in the city, which number more than 4 million. |
50813 |
各省区市以社区网格为基础单元,采取上门排查与自查自报相结合的方式展开地毯式排查。 |
Nationwide, comprehensive screening in communities was done in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and door-to-door visits were combined with voluntary checks and reporting by residents. |
50814 |
对确诊患者、疑似患者、不能排除感染可能的发热患者和确诊患者的密切接触者以及从重点疫情地区返回人员进行登记汇总,除对患者及时送医救治,对发热人员和与患者密切接触人员分别安排在定点医院和经征用作为定点隔离点的酒店、旅馆等处隔离。 |
All confirmed and suspected cases, suspected cases with fever, those who had close contact with confirmed cases and residents who returned from badly-hit epidemic areas were registered. All confirmed cases were hospitalized, and those displaying fever symptoms were sent to designated venues for isolation and medical observation, while those who had close contact with confirmed patients were sent to designated quarantine sites such as hotels for medical observation. |
50815 |
Later, all people coming from overseas were subject to isolation at designated quarantine sites.
50816 |
2. Improving virus testing
50817 |
在增强试剂盒供应能力基础上,确保“应检尽检”、“即收即检”。 |
Testing was done on all people in need as soon as possible with improved supply of testing kits. |
50818 |
检测产品生产企业提高产能,在最短时间内扭转试剂盒供不应求局面。 |
With increased production of testing kits, the initial short supply was overcome in the shortest period of time. |
50819 |
同时扩充检测机构,允许具备“二级生物安全实验室”和能够进行“反转录-聚合酶链式反应(反转录-PCR)”条件的三甲医院、疾控中心和专业检测机构进行核酸检测,实现疑似病例全面检测。 |
Authorities expanded the list of institutes certified to conduct such tests by allowing P2 biosafety labs, qualified major hospitals, centers for disease control and prevention and professional testing institutes that could carry out reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction to provide nucleic acid tests so that all suspected cases could be tested. |
50820 |
As a result, the daily testing capacity in Hubei province increased from 300 samples at the beginning of the outbreak to more than 20,000, with certified institutes providing round-the-clock testing services.