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50831 |
High-risk areas focused their efforts on control and prevention, preventing cases from being exported to other areas and halting the spread of the virus within its own area.
50832 |
阶段性调整防控重点,及时应对新挑战。 |
The focus of epidemic control and prevention was constantly adjusted to meet new challenges such as preventing imported cases and domestic re-infections. |
50833 |
随着疫情形势变化,将防控重点调整为“外防输入、内防反弹”,实行“第一入境点”机制,组织民航、海关、公安、卫健、外事、边检、机场等部门联勤联动,从源头上切断输入性病例。 |
A joint-work mechanism comprising different departments such as aviation, customs, public security, health, foreign affairs, border inspection and airports was established to prevent transmission of the virus at the point of first entry. |
50834 |
With an increasing number of asymptomatic cases, it was decided to place all such cases under medical observation in isolation for 14 days at designated sites, and allow them to be discharged only after they test negative twice consecutively.
50835 |
推出“健康码”模式,确保“绿色出行”。 |
Health QR codes were promoted to ensure convenience for residents. |
50836 |
Individuals could download health QR codes from government service network platforms to serve as permits for making trips, going to school or work, daily life and accessing public venues. The codes are in three colors — green, yellow and red — and so restrictions could be imposed accordingly. This way, data on epidemic control could be collected precisely.
50837 |
4. Intensifying epidemiological investigation
50838 |
组建流行病学调查团队,精准追踪和切断病毒传播途径。 |
Epidemiological teams were set up to precisely trace and cut off transmission channels. |
50839 |
依托大数据和信息化系统,提高流调精准度和效率,把对密切接触者的追踪作为一个重要环节,实现病例发现早、快、全。 |
Big data technology and digitalized systems were used to improve preciseness and efficiency of epidemiological investigations. Tracing those who had close contact with confirmed patients was key so that all cases were detected as early and quickly as possible. |
50840 |
对无症状感染者和密切接触者进行医学观察。 |
All asymptomatic cases and those who had close contact with confirmed cases were put under medical observation. |