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50851 密切接触者集中隔离观察。 Close contacts of confirmed cases were put under observation in isolation at designated places.
50852 对于确诊患者的密切接触者,因一些病毒携带者虽然不发病但仍具有传染性,一些病例在尚无症状的潜伏期就已具有传染性,所以,已确诊患者的密切接触者参照发热病人实行集中隔离观察。 Some of them may have been asymptomatic but infected so they were put under observation in isolation at designated places.
50853 四、诊疗方案和救治能力 IV. Treatment plans and scientific research
50854 疫情骤然集中暴发导致医疗资源严重挤兑,患者不能得到及时救治,不仅导致病毒扩散也直接造成高病亡率,这是抗击疫情初期的最大挑战。 The sudden outbreak of the epidemic put an overwhelming burden on medical resources and led to treatment delays. The unchecked virus triggered a high mortality rate, posing the biggest challenge in the early fight against the epidemic.
50855 按照中国领导人提出的“把医疗救治工作摆在第一位”的要求,中国在抗击疫情一开始就“把救治作为重中之重”,坚持“生命至上”,特别是明确了“应收尽收”、“早诊早治”、“集中收治”,特别是“中西医结合”的方针,并以分级设置医院和按病情分级分类分流救治轻、中、重症患者,同时实施免费治疗解除患者后顾之忧,避免因看不起病而导致病重病亡和扩大传染源,大幅度降低感染率、病亡率,提升治愈率。 In line with the instructions of Chinese leaders to prioritize medical treatment, great efforts were made in Wuhan and the rest of the country to ensure all confirmed cases were hospitalized, early diagnosis made and early treatment provided, concentrated hospitalization implemented and a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine used. Hospitals were classified by grades and patients were admitted according to different conditions and symptoms. Treatment was provided free to relieve financial burden, lest the infected who could not afford treatment led to the spread of the virus.
50856 1、确立控制传染源与提高救治面相统一双重目标 1. Dual goals of containing the source of infection and extension of treatment
50857 “集中收治”与“床位扩容”相结合,使起初无法就医患者全部收治。 Concentrated hospitalization of patients and increase of hospital beds ensured treatment for all patients who could not be admitted at the beginning of the outbreak.
50858 在疫情重灾区武汉,一方面,参照抗击SARS疫情北京建造“小汤山医院”的模式,以短短10天左右时间先后完成“火神山”、“雷神山”两座各可容纳1000多张床位的传染病专科医院建设并投入使用,陆续新建一批“方舱医院”,改扩建一批定点医院,改造一批综合医院,短期内新增床位10多万张,实现了“人等床”到“床等人”的重大转变,在短时间内解决了大规模收治难题。 In Wuhan, two hospitals Huoshenshan and Leishenshan modeled after the Beijing Xiaotangshan SARS Hospital and each with a capacity of more than 1,000 beds, were constructed in 10 days. Through the construction of makeshift hospitals, the expansion of designated hospitals and the conversion of general hospitals, more than 100,000 beds were added in a short time, and as a result, beds were no longer in short supply.
50859 另一方面,从全国抽调近200辆负压救护车,集中力量组成转运队,较快实现新增病例收治日清日结,从而使原来往返于社区和医院而无法有效就医的大量感染者从“居家隔离”转为“集中收治”,既有效剪除了社区传播这个最大的传染途径,也极大地提高了救治率。 Furthermore, 200 negative pressure ambulances were brought from all over the country to ensure that newly-discovered cases could be treated without delay. All this enabled a large number of patients to be hospitalized and the cure rate was raised.
50860 区分轻重症患者,构建由“方舱医院”和“定点医院”构成的分级分类分流救治体系。 Patients with serious and mild symptoms were separated, and a diverse treatment network of makeshift hospitals and designated hospitals was established.