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50861 |
针对前期轻重症混治的问题,实行关口前移、分类救治。 |
Patients with mild and serious symptoms were earlier treated in the same hospitals but later sent to different hospitals for different treatments. |
50862 |
指定定点医院集中救治重症危重症患者。 |
Those in serious, or critical, condition were treated in designated hospitals. |
50863 |
武汉市共指定46家定点收治医院,增配人工膜肺、呼吸机等设备,改造供氧管道,提升救治能力,降低病亡率。 |
ECMOs, ventilators and other equipment were supplied to 46 such designated hospitals. |
50864 |
同时,以依托会展中心、体育馆等设施改建形成的“方舱医院”收治轻症患者,实现大规模隔离救治,在武汉由一共15座“方舱医院”收治的这类患者约占当地新冠肺炎患者的四分之一以上,计1.2万余名。 |
At the same time, exhibition centers, gymnasiums and other facilities were converted into makeshift hospitals for patients with mild symptoms. The 16 makeshift hospitals in Wuhan admitted up to 12,000 patients with mild symptoms, accounting for more than a quarter of the infected patients. |
50865 |
Through centralized isolation and treatment for patients with mild symptoms, the makeshift hospitals, an important measure designed to cope with infectious diseases, not only facilitated the hospitalization of all confirmed patients but also reduced the chances of cross-infection in communities to a large extent.
50866 |
2. Better treatment plan and better treatment method
50867 |
根据症状轻重采取个性化治疗方案。 |
Treatment plans were tailored according to the severity of symptoms. |
50868 |
建立“院士团队巡查制度”,定期组织院士专家团队对武汉市定点医院重症患者救治进行巡诊,评估患者病情和治疗方案。 |
Inspection teams consisting of academicians and experts were organized to regularly inspect designated hospitals. The experts discussed and evaluated treatment plans for critically ill patients in Wuhan's designated hospitals. |
50869 |
轻症患者统一集中收治到方舱医院,明确抗病毒、吸氧、中医中药等综合治疗措施,防止轻症转重症; |
Patients with mild conditions were admitted to the makeshift hospitals for comprehensive treatment such as antiviral therapy, oxygen inhalation, and traditional Chinese herbal medication to prevent their condition turning worse. |
50870 |
针对超过80%的重症患者合并严重基础性疾病情况,实行“一人一策”, 建立感染、呼吸、重症、心脏、肾脏等多学科会诊制度,并制定重症、危重症护理规范,推出高流量吸氧、无创和有创机械通气、俯卧位通气等措施,重视死亡病例讨论制度,确保科学救治,有效降低致死率,提高治愈率。
For the more than 80% of severe cases with serious complications, a case-by-case treatment was prescribed after consultation with a multidisciplinary team consisting of experts on infections, respiratory, intensive care, heart, and kidneys and others. In addition, an array of standards was formulated for nursing patients in critical condition, and such measures as inhalation of large amount of oxygen, non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation, and prone posture for better ventilation as well as review of death cases, were adopted to ensure scientific treatment so that the fatality rate was reduced and the cure rate increased.