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50901 依托完备的工业生产体系,医疗企业克服工人返岗不足等困难,以最快速度恢复医疗用品生产,最大限度扩大产能。 Thanks to the comprehensive industrial production system, enterprises in medical equipment and materials, overcame difficulties including shortage of manpower, resumed production rapidly and vastly expanded production scale.
50902 有条件的企业迅速调整转产,生产口罩、防护服、消毒液、测温仪、医疗器械等物资,有效扩大了疫情防控物资的生产供应。 Other enterprises with flexibility promptly changed their lines of production to produce medical materials. Thousands of them switched to produce medical supplies, including face masks, protective suits, disinfectants, digital thermometers and medical instruments, and expanded the manufacturing and provision of essential supplies.
50903 在较短时间内,包括一次性医用口罩、医用外科口罩、医用KN95口罩在内,全国口罩日产能产量超过1.1亿只;一次性医用防护服日产能超过150万件;手持式红外测温仪日产能达40万台;试剂盒日供应量在3月初达到近35万人份。 Within a short time, the daily production capacity of face masks including disposable masks, surgical masks and medical protective masks (KN95) — exceeded 110 million; more than 1.5 million disposable medical protective suits were made, and 400,000 hand-held infrared thermometers manufactured. The daily supply of test kits reached nearly 350,000 by the beginning of March.
50904 同时,畅通供应链条和物流渠道,建立联保联供协作机制,源源不断地把各地支援物资运到湖北。 Meanwhile, the supply chains and logistic conduits were smooth. Supplies from every corner of the country were continuously delivered to Hubei.
50905 在一个月时间内,医用防护服日调度供应量从2.1万件增加到27万件,KN95口罩日调度供应量从7.2万只增加到56.2万只。 In just a month, the daily allocation of medical protective suits jumped from 21,000 to 270,000, and KN95 masks from 72,000 to 562,000.
50906 增强技术手段支持,在服务公众同时减少医院交叉感染。 Technological support was strengthened to provide services to the public.
50907 普遍开展远程问诊、专家直播、医疗培训等服务。 Services including online consultation, live streaming of expert lectures, and medical training were provided.
50908 充分运用远程可视医疗系统和基于5G网络的AI辅助手术设备,既部分解决了疫情期间公众其他疾病的就医需求问题,同时也最大限度地防止了医院交叉感染。 Making full use of the remote visual medical treatment system and widely adopting AI-assisted surgical equipment based on the 5G network not only partially met medical care needs of other patients amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but also prevented hospital-acquired infections.
50909 国家卫健委下发系列技术文件及相关要求,规范防护用品使用方式和防护流程,落实医院区域设置、呼吸道疾病“三区两通道”等原则,大幅降低医务人员感染率,实现4万多名援鄂医务人员“零感染”。 The National Health Commission issued a series of technical guidance and regulations to standardize the use of protective equipment and protective procedures to significantly minimize the infection rate among medical personnel. Finally, a zero-infection rate was achieved for more than 40,000 medical staff aiding Hubei.
50910 3、统筹协调生活物资保障 3. Coordinated allocation of daily necessities