ID 原文 译文
50911 中央政府联动协调,确保重要生活物资供应充足。 The central government's coordination and joint efforts ensured ample supplies of major daily necessities.
50912 国务院多个部委统筹,保障全国特别是湖北生活必需品的生产、存储及价格稳定。 Various departments of the State Council worked together to ensure the production, storage and stable prices of daily necessities in the whole country, especially Hubei province.
50913 依托省际联保联供协作机制保障货源,开辟“绿色通道”; Frozen pork was released from the central reserve and a "special-offer vegetable package" was made available.
50914 投放中央冻猪肉储备和扩容“特价蔬菜包”;紧盯“南菜北运”生产大省,增加“菜篮子”产品生产;启动“保价格、保质量、保供应”系列行动,组织紧急物资运输队伍,使得湖北省、武汉市长时间居家隔离措施得以顺利实施。 Major agricultural provinces transported vegetables from the south to the north of the country, while production of "vegetable basket" items was increased. The action plan of "ensuring price, quality and supply" was launched, and emergency delivery teams were formed to ease the long-term homebound isolation measures in Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province.
50915 物资配送纳入社区服务,保障生活用品安全及时送到居民家中。 Supply delivery was integrated into residential community services to ensure safe and timely delivery of daily necessities to people's homes.
50916 武汉市社区采用网格化管理,打通生活物资配送从商超到小区的“最后一公里”,直接送货入户,保障日常生活补给,通过无接触配送方式,将经过检疫、符合防疫标准的蔬菜直送社区,解除了隔离中居民的生活保障和防疫安全之忧。 Wuhan adopted a grid-pattern management of residential communities, through which the "last mile" of daily supply delivery from supermarkets to residential communities was opened up. Goods were directly distributed to households and contactless distribution and delivery enabled vegetables and meat that had met pandemic prevention standards to reach residential communities, relieving residents' worries while they were under home isolation.
50917 充分运用互联网技术,全面普及“无接触消费”。 Internet technologies to extensively popularize "contactless consumption" were made full use of.
50918 先进的互联网+物流配送、电子商务平台保障了疫情期间全国物资订购配送支付的全部环节,民众通过手机完成线上购买、线下收货,物流快递通过物业托管、固定点交接、自提柜寄件等方式配送,避免了去超市、商场、农贸市场人群聚集带来感染风险,货源、资金、运输、交付等整个产业链在互联网基础设施下如同齿轮般运作,实现商品销售无现金支付、物流配送零接触交付。 Advanced "internet + logistics" distribution and e-commerce platforms ensured the entire process from order placement and distribution to payments nationwide. Parcels were delivered through various ways including being deposited at the property management service provider, dropped off at an agreed location or stored in delivery lockers. Potential risks of infection at supermarkets, shops and farmers' markets were thus minimized. The complete industrial supply chain of funds, transportation and delivery operated smoothly.
50919 六、指挥体系和战略方针 VI. Command system and strategic policies
50920 新冠肺炎疫情发生后,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视,始终把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,习近平总书记亲自领导、亲自指挥、亲自部署,领导全党、全军和全国人民打响疫情防控的“人民战争”,展开“阻击战”、“总体战”,以集中统一高效的“准战时”领导指挥体系和因时因势制定的战略策略,为中国抗击疫情提供了坚强领导、根本遵循和科学指引。 Immediately after the COVID-19 outbreak, the central authorities led by President Xi Jinping put people's life and health first. Under Xi's personal leadership, command and deployment, the whole Party, armed forces and all Chinese people launched a "people's war" of disease prevention and control and fought to block the spread of the virus. With a centralized, unified and efficient "wartime pandemic command system" as well as strategies formulated in accordance with the situation, the top leadership offered key instructions and scientific guidance.