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50931 “与时间赛跑、与病魔较量”。 Racing against the time was imperative.
50932 把医疗救治工作摆在第一位,在科学精准救治上下功夫。 Medical treatment was the top priority, and efforts were focused on targeted therapies to save as many lives as possible.
50933 尽最大努力防止更多群众感染,尽最大可能挽救更多生命。 Painstaking efforts were required to prevent the virus from being transmitted to as many people as possible.
50934 把提高收治率和治愈率、降低感染率和病亡率作为突出任务来抓;指出抗击疫情有“医院救死扶伤”和“社区防控”两个阵地,要紧紧扭住社区防控和患者救治“两个关键”;要求防控疫情斗争“疫情防控”和“科研和物资生产”两条战线要相互配合、并肩作战,把新冠肺炎防控科研攻关作为一项重大而紧迫的任务,“向科学要答案、要方法”。 Hospitalization and the cure rate were required to be raised and the infection and fatality rate reduced substantially. Hospitals and residential communities were considered the two battlefields both were critical for the fight against the epidemic. Coordinated efforts are required for both the prevention and control, and scientific research and material production. Scientific research was set as a major and urgent task and solutions were sought from science.
50935 随着疫情形势变化,指出要保持头脑清醒、慎终如始、善作善成,不麻痹、不厌战、不松劲,针对境外疫情加速扩散蔓延,逐渐把重点放在“外防输入、内防反弹”上来,抓紧抓实抓细常态化防控,不让来之不易的持续向好形势发生逆转。 As the control and prevention situation changed, strong efforts are required to continue the painstaking efforts for the final triumph. Facing the rapid spread of the virus overseas, the focus should shift to guarding against imported cases and preventing a resurgence of another outbreak at home so that the hard-won positive trend will not be reverted.
50936 2.高效执行机制和全面应对措施。 2. Efficient execution mechanisms and comprehensive countermeasures
50937 国务院联防联控机制认真贯彻党中央和习近平总书记重要指示,全面落实中央应对疫情工作领导小组疫情防控要求,协调解决疫情防控工作中的紧迫问题,进行及时全面的具体安排。 The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council fully implemented the instructions of the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi. Having followed the instructions of the Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control, it made coordinated efforts to resolve urgent problems and timely, overall and detailed arrangements were made.
50938 一方面,统筹32个政府机构,协调防疫、经济和民生三者关系,调集全国各类资源支援重灾区,包括财政支出、基本建设、医疗人力资源、科技人员、医疗防护设备物资、交通运输保障、供电供气、医院污染物处理、城市食品日用品供给等。 On the one hand, it administered 32 government departments and coordinated the complex relationship among epidemic control and prevention, economic development and people's lives. It pooled the country's resources to support the seriously-hit region, involving expenditure, infrastructure, medical human resources, scientists, protective equipment and materials, transportation, electricity and natural gas supply, disposal of medical waste and the supply of food and daily necessities in urban areas.
50939 另一方面,统筹其他地区防控工作,启动公共卫生事件一级响应,对人口流动大省大市加强指导支持,提前部署延迟开学、灵活复工、错峰出行、扩产增能。 On the other hand, it coordinated prevention and control in other regions, initiated the first-level response to public health events, and strengthened support to provinces with a heavy flow of people. It postponed the new semester for schools, allowed flexible resumption of work, staggered work hours, and expanded production capacity.
50940 以具体措施落实“外防输入、内防扩散”,并适时推动企业复工复产。 Concrete measures were adopted to "guard against imported cases from abroad and prevent the spread of virus at home" and resumption of work and production was encouraged with strict safeguards.