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50941 同时,鼓励群众通过国务院“互联网+督查”平台反映抗疫问题线索,及时核查督办、改进工作,要求不得瞒报、漏报、迟报疫情信息。 At the same time, people were encouraged to provide suggestions on problems in control and prevention through the State Council's "Internet + Supervision" platform so that problems could be resolved in a timely manner. Any covering-up of epidemic information was investigated and punished.
50942 中央指导组作为“前方指挥部”,直接指导督导疫情重灾区抗疫工作。 The central government guiding group supervised epidemic control work in Wuhan and Hubei province.
50943 由中央政治局委员、国务院副总理孙春兰任组长。 The group is headed by Sun Chunlan, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice-premier of the State Council.
50944 由11位部级领导干部和多位院士及专家组成的中央指导组,1月27日赴武汉。 Consisting of 11 ministerial-level officials as well as academicians and experts, the group arrived in Wuhan on January 27.
50945 以战时指挥方式和争分夺秒的战时状态加强防控一线工作,针对初期底数不清、收治缓慢、管控不力等问题多次明察暗访。 The group conducted investigations on the lack of information, foot-dragging in hospitalization of the infected and slack management which bogged down prevention and control in the initial stages.
50946 35次就医疗救治进行专题研究,23次到医院实地考察,提出“注重关口前移、统筹重症轻症、科学精准施治”的总体思路。 The group organized 35 themed studies on therapies for treatment, and made 23 fact-finding trips to hospitals. Based on its investigations, the group put forward the concept of "control and prevention measures being shifted further to the immediate source of infections, coordinating the treatment of the infected with severe and mild conditions, and scientific and targeted treatment".
50947 着力“源头防控、患者救治、物资保障”“三个工作重点”。 The group proposed that efforts be made in the prevention of the virus from the very source, treatment of the infected and adequate supply of necessary materials.
50948 打好“拉网排查、集中收治、清底排查”“三场攻坚战”,确立定点医院、方舱医院、隔离点梯次布局的应急防治网络,确保隔离、收治、转运及物资配送、后勤保障等各个环节有序衔接。 The group emphasized the importance of full-coverage screening, hospitalization of all the infected for treatment and a final round of screening. The group made the decision to establish a network of designated hospitals, makeshift hospitals and quarantine venues to ensure quarantine, hospitalization, transfer of the infected, material transport and logistics services.
50949 批转社会反映的2万多条问题线索至省市核实解决,就医疗救治和疫情防控措施落实情况进行检查督导。 The group forwarded more than 20,000 pointers to the provincial and city level governments for further investigation and solutions.
50950 有效整合医疗等各方面资源,提高联合工作效率,增强一线抗疫力度和信心。 The group made appropriate allocation of medical resources to raise work efficiency and boosted the confidence and solidarity of those working at the frontline.