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50951 |
各地成立由党政主要负责人挂帅的领导小组,确保中央部署全面落实到位。 |
Local governments set up their own leading groups headed by leading officials to ensure the full implementation of the central government's arrangements. |
50952 |
各地党委政府把抗击疫情作为头等大事,落实“反对形式主义、官僚主义”的要求,坚持守土有责、守土担责、守土尽责,根据当地疫情具体实际,确定并发布和调整疫情防控应急响应等级,履行属地管理责任,组织地方防控救治和排查检测,对途经疫情严重地区进入本地人员严格落实居家隔离或集中隔离观察要求,加强信息登记和健康管理,准确统计疫情数据信息并及时上报协调机制汇总。 |
They set and adjusted the level of emergency response in accordance with local developments. They organized specific measures to have people from severely-hit regions quarantined at home or in designated venues. They collected the necessary information and statistics, and forwarded them to higher level authorities. |
50953 |
Meanwhile, the provincial governors and city mayors were obliged to ensure the production and supply of daily necessities.
50954 |
习近平主席指出,事实再次证明,人类是休戚与共的命运共同体;国际社会要坚定信心、齐心协力、团结应对,携手赢得这场人类同重大传染性疾病的斗争。 |
President Xi pointed that the facts have once again proved that mankind is a community with a shared future, and the international community should boost confidence and make joint efforts to win the fight against the pandemic. |
50955 |
新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中国始终秉持人类命运共同体理念,本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,及时发布疫情信息, |
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, China has always upheld the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and released information about the virus in an open, transparent and responsible manner. |
50956 |
从1月初即开始向世界卫生组织、美国等有关国家和地区组织以及中国港澳台地区通报疫情信息和防控举措。 |
From early January, China started to report information about the epidemic, and prevention and control measures to the World Health Organization, the United States and other countries as well as China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions. |
50957 |
毫无保留地与世卫组织和国际社会分享防控救治经验,加强联合科研攻关,并尽力提供对外援助,与有关国家建立双边联防联控合作机制,积极推进疫情防控国际交流合作,为维护全球公共卫生安全尽责,并通过做好本国抗击疫情为阻止病毒蔓延作出贡献。 |
China shared its experience without reservation with the World Health Organization and the international community, strengthened scientific research, and offered assistance to other countries. China has set up bilateral joint prevention and control mechanisms with other countries, pushed forward international cooperation, worked together with the international community, fulfilled its duty to safeguard global public health security and made contributions to preventing the spread of the virus worldwide by doing a good job in its own prevention and control of the virus at home. |
50958 |
中国和世界卫生组织联合专家考察组以及世卫组织总干事和首席科学家等人士均认为,中国采取的“历史上前所未有”、也是“最勇敢、最灵活、最积极”的公共卫生应对措施,在阻断病毒人际传播方面取得明显成果,为国际科学界和国际社会共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情积累了宝贵的经验。 |
According to the joint research group of China and the World Health Organization, the WHO director-general, the WHO chief scientist, and many others, the unprecedented "most ambitious, agile and aggressive" measures taken by China in response to this public health event achieved a great deal in blocking the transmission of the virus among humans and provided useful experience for the scientific world and the international community. |
50959 |
据北京市政府网站消息,4月20日下午,在北京市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作新闻发布会上,社区防控组办公室成员、北京市委组织部部务委员徐颖介绍,根据不同情况,对重点人员实施集中或居家观察管理,是有效防止疫情传播的重要措施。 |
베이징시 인민정부 홈페이지 소식에 따르면 4월 20일 오후에 진행된 베이징시 코로나19 방역업무 브리핑에서 쉬잉(徐穎) 베이징시 당위원회 조직부 위원은 상이한 상황에 따라 중점 인원에 대해 지정시설 격리 혹은 자가격리를 실시하는 것은 코로나19 전파를 효과적으로 막는 중요한 조치라고 소개했다. |
50960 |
集中观察的,主要对入境进京人员、不具备居家观察条件的外省区市返京人员、治愈出院患者、排除疑似人员和密接等人员,为期14天。 |
해외 입국자, 자가격리 여건이 안되는 다른 지역에서 베이징으로 들어온 복귀자, 완치돼 퇴원한 환자, 의심환자에서 해제된 사람, 확진자와 밀접 접촉한 사람은 지정시설에 14일간 격리한다. |