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51192 |
病毒是全人类的共同敌人,可能在任何时间、在世界任何地方出现。 |
The virus is a common enemy to all mankind and may strike anytime, anywhere. |
51193 |
中方同其他国家一样,受到了新冠病毒的攻击,是受害者,而不是加害者,更不是病毒的“同谋”。 |
Like other countries, China is also a victim, not a perpetrator, even less an accomplice of COVID-19. |
51194 |
面对重大公共卫生危机和传染病威胁,国际社会应团结协作、同舟共济,而不是相互指责,甚至叫嚣追责索赔。 |
In the face of major public health crises and infectious diseases, the international community should stand in solidarity and work together, not resort to mutual accusation or demand retribution and accountability. |
51195 |
我不记得国际上有过这种做法。 |
As I recall, there has never been any precedence of the latter. |
51196 |
2009年H1N1流感首先在美国确诊并大面积暴发,蔓延到214个国家和地区,导致近20万人死亡,有谁让美国赔偿了吗? |
Did anyone ask the US to offer compensations for the 2009 H1N1 flu, which was first diagnosed before breaking out on a large scale in the US and then spread to 214 countries and regions, killing nearly 200,000 people? |
51197 |
上世纪80年代,艾滋病首先在美国发现并蔓延至全世界,不知给多少人造成痛苦,有谁找美国追责了吗? |
AIDS was first reported in the US in the 1980s and then swept across the world, causing untold sufferings to countless victims. Did anyone come forward and ask the US to be held accountable? |
51198 |
另外,日前新加坡国立大学教授马凯硕接受采访表示,2008年发生在美国的金融动荡,雷曼兄弟公司破产,最终演变为全球金融危机,有谁要求美国为此承担后果了吗? |
In addition, Kishore Mahbubani, a professor at the National University of Singapore, said in an interview the other day that the financial turmoil in the US triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 turned into a global financial crisis. Did anyone ask the US to take the consequences? |
51199 |
美国必须清楚,他们的敌人是病毒,不是中国。 |
The US must understand that their enemy is the virus, not China. |
51200 |
国际社会只有同仇敌忾、团结合作才能战胜病毒。 |
The international community can only defeat the virus by pulling together. |
51201 |
一味攻击抹黑他国不能挽回浪费的时间和逝去的生命。 |
Attacking and discrediting other countries will not save the time and lives lost. |