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51222 仅以中国向美国提供的抗疫物资为例,他的谎言完全不攻自破。 Navarro's lies will simply crumble at the following facts of China's assistance to the US.
51223 据中国海关不完全统计,3月1日至4月17日,中国对美国提供了各类口罩18.64亿只,医用及其他手套2.58亿双,医用防护服2919万套,护目镜313万副,有创呼吸机156台,无创呼吸机4254台。 According to the incomplete statistics from Chinese customs, from March 1 to April 17, China provided the US with 1.864 billion masks, 258 million pairs of gloves, 29.19 million surgical protective suits, 3.13 million goggles, 156 invasive ventilators and 4,254 non-invasive ones.
51224 中国为美国在华采购提供的便利、中国各界向美国社会提供的捐助得到美国各界普遍赞许。 The American people all commend China for the convenience offered for US procurement and the donations the Chinese people provided to the US.
51225 我们奉劝纳瓦罗之流立即停止玩弄造谣、推责的把戏,把精力放在应对国内疫情上。 We urge Navarro and his like to stop spreading rumors and shifting responsibilities. They should be focusing on fighting the virus at home.
51226 深圳卫视记者:美国总统特朗普和国务卿蓬佩奥等美方官员近日多次散布所谓新冠病毒源于中国武汉病毒研究所的言论,并称应对此进行调查。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: Lately President Trump, Secretary Pompeo and other US officials have claimed on many occasions that COVID-19 originated from a lab in Wuhan and investigations should be conducted. I wonder if you have a comment?
51227 耿爽:我们多次指出,新冠病毒源头问题是一个科学问题,应该交由科学家和医学专家去研究,不应被政治化。 Geng Shuang: As we have repeatedly stated, the origin of the virus is a matter of science that should be left to scientists and medical professionals. It should not be politicized.
51228 目前,世卫组织以及包括美国在内的绝大多数国家的公共卫生领域科学家和专业人士都普遍认为,没有证据表明新冠病毒源于实验室。 It is the established general opinion of WHO and scientists and professionals in public health in the vast majority of countries including the US that there is no evidence showing the virus came from a lab.
51229 昨天,武汉病毒研究所负责人接受媒体采访时明确否认了美方有关不实之辞。 Yesterday head of the Wuhan Institute of Virology rejected the false US comments in an interview.
51230 他强调,武汉病毒研究所有严格的管理制度,美方说法毫无证据和逻辑,完全是主观臆测。 He stressed that the institute is run on a set of strict management rules and that the US allegation is pure conjecture without a shred of evidence or logic.
51231 武汉病毒所的全体工作人员没有一人感染新冠病毒,正在全身心地投入科研工作。 There is zero infection within the institute and the entire staff are now devoting themselves to research projects.