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51392 第一、中国政府始终把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位, First, the Chinese government always regards people’s lives and health as the top priority.
51393 疫情暴发后,采取了最全面、最彻底、最严格的防控举措,取得了成效。 Since the outbreak, the government has put in place the strictest, most thorough and most comprehensive containment measures, which have proved to be effective.
51394 正如世卫组织所说,中国采取的防控措施是最具勇气、最灵活和最积极的,改变了疫情快速扩散流行的危险进程,减少了数十万病例的发生。 As the World Health Organisation says, China has taken the most courageous, most flexible and most active prevention and control measures, which altered the dangerous course of the virus’s quick spread and prevented hundreds of thousands of infections nationwide.
51395 第二、中国政府本着公开、透明和高度负责任的精神分享疫情信息,疫情暴发初期即开始每天公布有关数据。 Second, China has been releasing information related to the epidemic in the most open, transparent and responsible manner, publicising relevant data since the early days of the outbreak.
51396 最近,武汉市本着实事求是的态度,订正了有关确诊病例数和确诊病例死亡数。 Recently, following standard epidemiological practice, the authorities in Wuhan revisited the cases and made revision to the number of confirmed cases and fatalities on a factual basis.
51397 对流行性传染病数据进行订正也是国际通行做法。 Data revision in the case of highly infectious diseases is a common international practice.
51398 疫情早期,由于收治能力不足、少数医疗机构未能及时与疾病预防控制信息系统对接, At the early stage of an epidemic, a small number of medical facilities might be overwhelmed with a flood of new cases and might not be promptly linked up with the disease prevention and control data collection system.
51399 医院超负荷运转,医务人员忙于救治,客观上存在一些迟报、漏报、误报现象, At the same time, preoccupation with saving lives during the most challenging times of the epidemic could result in an inadvertent delay in reporting, under-reporting or misreporting at some facilities.
51400 但从不存在瞒报,也不允许瞒报。 But there has never been any cover-up, nor was a cover-up ever allowed to happen.
51401 死亡病例较少,正好印证了我们的防控措施十分有效。 The relatively low Covid-19 death toll in China proves that the containment measures are effective.