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51402 中国严格的防控措施,大幅降低了传染率和死亡率。 The strict lockdown measures have effectively slowed down the spread of the virus and minimised the cases of infection.
51403 武汉殡仪馆在疫情期间关闭了两个月,现在发放的骨灰盒中包括这部分逝者的骨灰。 Regarding reports of people in Wuhan queuing to collect urns, this was because funeral parlours were closed from January 23 to March 23. Urns of those who died of other causes in the past two months are also being delivered now.
51404 第三,湖北解除离汉离鄂通道管控、武汉“解封”,标志着中国疫情控制取得了重大阶段性成果,用事实证明疫情可防、可控、可治。 The lifting of outbound travel restrictions in Hubei province and Wuhan symbolises an initial victory against the virus and proves that the disease is preventable, controllable and curable.
51405 当然,武汉“解封”不等于我们“解防”。 Certainly, the reopening of Wuhan doesn’t mean that China is lowering its guard.
51406 中国政府始终保持警惕,内防反弹,外防输入,精准做好疫情防控工作。 The Chinese government remains vigilant against imported cases and a domestic resurgence of Covid-19 and is taking targeted measures to contain it.
51407 同时,统筹抓好经济社会发展工作,推进复工复产,确保人员流动有序畅通。 At the same time it is getting the economy back on track, reopening factories and ensuring unimpeded travel within the country.
51408 发生于3月下旬的湖北、江西两省省界居民冲突事件已获解决,进行炒作毫无意义。 The incident that happened on the border between Hubei and Jiangxi provinces in late March was already resolved. It makes no sense hyping up something that is no longer an issue.
51409 当前中英正携手合作抗疫,我们正在与英国人民一道共克时艰。 Currently, China is standing together with the UK in the global fight against Covid-19. Our people are joining hands to overcome the current difficulties.
51410 值此关键时刻,媒体应该传播更多促进相互理解与合作的积极信号,而不是无端煽动反华情绪,毒化中英合作氛围。 At this critical moment, the media should send out positive signals to promote mutual understanding and co-operation, instead of whipping up anti-China sentiments and poisoning the atmosphere of China-UK co-operation.
51411 UK's COVID-19 death toll is far higher than daily figure, data suggests 数据显示,英国COVID-19死亡人数远远高于每日数字