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51473 |
Collective action is needed to ensure that markets are well-functioning, and that timely and reliable information on market fundamentals is available to all. |
各方需采取集体行动,以确保市场运作良好,所有人都能获得及时、可靠的市场基本信息。 |
51474 |
This will reduce uncertainty and allow producers, consumers, traders and processors to make informed production and trade decisions and contain panic behavior in global markets. |
这将减少不确定性,令生产商、消费者、贸易商和加工商对生产和贸易做出知情决策,遏制全球市场恐慌行为。 |
51475 |
The Agricultural Market Information System - a G20 initiative that combines the expertise of ten International Organizations with the information provided by countries with a high share in world food trade - is monitoring world supply and price developments. |
农业市场信息系统作为二十国集团的一项举措,将十个国际组织的专长与世界主要粮食贸易国的信息相结合,正在监测全世界的供应状况和价格变化。 |
51476 |
The devastating economic impacts of COVID-19 reinforce the need for investments that prevent future outbreaks of such infectious diseases, recognizing the interconnections between people, animals, plants and their shared environment - the One Health approach. |
新冠疫情对经济的破坏性影响进一步表明,需要进行投入防止此类传染性疾病在今后暴发,同时要认识到人类、动物、植物及其共处环境之间的相互联系,即‘同一个健康'举措。 |
51477 |
Continued attention is necessary strengthen the resilience of food systems to such disease outbreaks but also to other shocks. |
需要不断重视加强粮食系统对此类疫情暴发及其他冲击的抵御能力。 |
51478 |
As the pandemic slows down economies, access to food will be negatively affected by income reductions and loss of employment as well as availability of food in local markets. |
疫情减缓了经济增长,收入下降、失业以及当地市场粮食供应受限将对粮食获取产生不利影响。 |
51479 |
Efforts should focus on supporting access to food for the poor and the vulnerable and those whose income is most affected. |
应重点帮助贫困和弱势群体以及收入受影响程度最严重的人群获取食物。 |
51480 |
Implementing adequate social protection measures, such as cash transfers, and investing in early recovery efforts in response to COVID-19 is critical to saving both lives and livelihoods. |
采取适当的社会保障措施,例如发放现金补助,以及对新冠疫情早期恢复工作进行投入,对于挽救生命和生计至关重要。 |
51481 |
Ensuring that these measures reach everyone will be key to avoid further spread of poverty and hunger. |
确保这些措施惠及每一个人,是避免贫困和饥饿进一步蔓延的关键。 |
51482 |
Countries with existing humanitarian crises are particularly exposed to the effects of the pandemic. |
目前已陷入人道主义危机的国家尤其易受疫情影响。 |