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51523 "Preserving access to safe food and nutrition is an essential part of the health response," he said, recommending countries to strengthen local production and shorten food supply chains. 屈冬玉表示,"在采取措施应对疫情时,必须确保民众能够获取安全的食物和营养",建议各国推动当地生产,缩短粮食供应链。
51524 "We need to collaborate with every actor in the supply chain, build public-private partnerships and promote innovation", Qu said at the Extraordinary G20 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting on Food Security and Nutrition, convened today by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which holds the rotating G20 presidency. "我们需要与供应链各方开展协作,建立公私伙伴关系并促进创新,"屈冬玉在今天召开的二十国集团农业部长粮食安全与营养特别会议上指出,该会议由二十国集团轮值主席国沙特举办。
51525 Speaking on behalf of the three Rome-based UN food agencies (FAO, WFP and IFAD), FAO's Director-General also urged G20 ministers to include long-term goals in their policy frameworks. 在代表联合国粮农机构(粮农组织、粮食署和农发基金)发言时,总干事还敦促二十国集团农业部长在其政策框架中纳入长期目标。
51526 "The crisis opens an opportunity to accelerate food system transformation," Qu said, pointing to e-commerce tools as a way to enhance local resilience and bolster direct links between producers and consumers. "这场危机为加快粮食系统转型提供了机会,"他说道,并指出电子商务工具可以增强地方抵御力,加强生产者和消费者之间的直接联系。
51527 "New business models are needed. "需要打造新业态。
51528 It is the time to speed-up e-commerce in agriculture and food systems across the globe", he said. 加快全球农业和粮食系统电子商务发展正逢其时。"屈冬玉表示。
51529 FAO is actively engaged in helping vulnerable countries bolster their food systems to counter shocks caused by COVID-19 along local, regional and global food supply chains. 粮农组织积极参与帮助脆弱国家加强粮食系统,应对疫情对地方、区域和全球粮食供应链造成的冲击。
51530 The COVID-19 pandemic makes early warning programmes, rapid emergency and humanitarian aid responses, and robust recovery plans very important, Qu said. 屈冬玉指出,此次疫情凸显出预警计划、快速应急和人道主义援助响应以及强有力的恢复计划十分重要。
51531 The Director-General also urged the ministers to support the broader use of timely tools such as the Agricultural Market Information System - a G20 initiative hosted by FAO that monitors world supply and price developments - and FAO's Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA), both of which are contributing to orderly functioning of global markets. 总干事还敦促各国农业部长推动相关工具的广泛应用,例如农业市场信息系统(由粮农组织负责管理的一项二十国集团倡议,用于监测世界粮食供应和价格变化),以及粮农组织的粮食和农业政策决策分析平台(FAPDA),两者都有助于全球市场的有序运转。
51532 Today's G20 meeting focused on pushing forward with the commitment made last month at a G20 Summit when leaders pledged to enhance global cooperation, and ensure and facilitate trade flows of agricultural products to safeguard global food security and nutrition. 此次特别会议的重点是推进落实二十国集团领导人在上个月的特别峰会上做出的承诺,包括加强全球合作,保障和促进农产品贸易流动,维护全球粮食安全和营养。