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51533 The Ministers of Agriculture of the G20 adopted a Ministerial Statement on COVID-19, which reaffirms "the importance of working to ensure the continued flow of food, products, and inputs essential for agricultural and food production across borders." 二十国集团农业部长通过了关于应对新冠疫情的部长声明,重申"努力确保粮食、产品以及农业与粮食生产必需投入品继续跨境流动的重要性"。
51534 The declaration also points out that G20 countries "will work together to help ensure that sufficient, safe, affordable, and nutritious food continues to be available and accessible to all people, including the poorest, the most vulnerable, and displaced people." 该宣言还表示,二十国集团成员国"将共同努力,帮助确保所有人,包括贫穷、脆弱和流离失所的民众,均能继续获取充足、安全、负担得起和有营养的食物"。
51535 The meeting was also attended by the heads of World Health Organization (WHO), World Trade Organization (WTO), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and a representative of the World Bank. 世界卫生组织、世界贸易组织、经济合作与发展组织和世界动物卫生组织负责人及世界银行代表也出席了本次会议。
51536 2020年4月18日,国务委员兼外长王毅同世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞通电话。 On 18 April, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a phone call with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
51537 王毅表示,我今天同你通电话,是要表明中国政府和中国人民坚定支持世界卫生组织。 Wang said that I am calling you to convey the firm support of the Chinese government and people to WHO.
51538 我相信公道自在人心,国际社会和世界各国人民也都持同样态度。 I believe the international community and people across the world can tell right from wrong.
51539 在当前全球抗击疫情的关键时刻,支持世卫组织、支持总干事,就是维护多边主义的理念和原则,维护联合国的地位和作用,也是维护国际社会在抗击疫情面前的团结一致。 At this critical juncture of the global campaign against COVID-19, supporting WHO and the Director-General is to defend the concept and principle of multilateralism, uphold the standing and role of the United Nations and safeguard international solidarity in the battle against the disease.
51540 总干事以高票当选,一直得到会员国高度信任。 You were elected to office with overwhelming support and have the trust of WHO member states.
51541 你作为首个来自发展中国家尤其是非洲大陆的总干事,也象征着人类文明的进步发展。 As the first Director-General from a developing country and, in particular, the African continent, your election is a big step forward in the progress of humanity.
51542 总干事就任以来积极致力于全球公共卫生事业,做了大量创造性工作,得到各方高度评价。 Since taking office, you have dedicated yourself to the cause of global public health and accomplished a tremendous amount of creative work, which have won high acclaims from all sides.