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51543 王毅表示,抗击疫情需要世界卫生组织继续发挥应有的重要作用。 Wang underscored that the fight against COVID-19 requires WHO to continue playing its mandated and important role.
51544 对世卫组织的攻击抹黑没有事实依据,施压胁迫更不得人心,任何有良知的国家都不会支持。 The groundless attacks against WHO and the coercive pressure campaign will find no support from any country with conscience.
51545 疫情当前,各国人民需要世卫组织,挽救生命、铲除病毒需要世卫组织。 Given the threat of this infectious disease, WHO is needed more than ever by people of all countries to save lives and eliminate the virus.
51546 相信总干事将会带领世卫组织秉持职业操守和科学态度,继续协调国际社会共同抗击疫情。 I am confident that under the leadership of the Director-General, WHO will continue to coordinate the global campaign against COVID-19 with professionalism and guided by science.
51547 中方始终高度重视世卫组织的地位和作用,愿在现有合作基础上,通过多种渠道,加大对世卫组织的支持力度。 China highly values the position and role of WHO, and stands ready to increase support for the organization through various channels while carrying forward existing cooperation.
51548 王毅强调,习近平主席曾多次公开表示,病毒是人类的共同敌人,国际社会只有团结协作,才能战而胜之。 Wang stressed that President Xi Jinping had stated on many occasions that the virus is a common enemy of humanity, and can only be defeated by countries working together.
51549 中方愿同世界各国一道,大力加强抗疫合作,同舟共济,共克时艰,直到在这个世界上彻底战胜疫情。 China will strengthen unity and cooperation with all members of the international community in fighting COVID-19 until the virus is wiped out from our world.
51550 谭德塞表示,感谢中方对世界卫生组织持续坚定的支持。我完全赞同支持世卫组织就是捍卫多边主义。 Tedros thanked China for its sustained and firm support to WHO, and echoed the point that to support WHO is to defend multilateralism.
51551 当前,全球处于病毒大流行的关键时刻,病毒不分国界,国际社会加强团结至关重要。 The world is at a critical moment of a global pandemic. As the virus respects no borders, it is crucial for the international community to strengthen solidarity.
51552 只有团结一致抗疫,人类才能阻止病毒蔓延。 Only through united efforts, can mankind stop the spread of the virus.