ID 原文 译文
51553 如果国际社会出现分裂,病毒就会乘虚而入,加速扩散,疫情持续的时间将会更长,并会失去更多生命。 If the international community is divided, the virus will exploit the crack and spread faster, stay longer, and claim more lives.
51554 谭德塞表示,虽然我本人和世卫组织受到各种攻击和抹黑,但我相信,只要坚持真理和做正确的事情,总有一天事实真相会大白于天下,历史自会有公论。 Tedros said that although WHO and himself have been attacked and abused, he will continue to focus on truth and do the right thing. Truth will eventually come out and history will make a fair judgment.
51555 交通运输部 Ministry of Transport,
51556 国家卫生健康委 National Health Commission,
51557 海关总署 General Administration of Customs,
51558 国家移民管理局 National Immigration Administration,
51559 中国民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration of China,
51560 国家邮政局 State Post Bureau
51561 关于精准做好国际航空货运机组人员疫情防控工作的通知 Notice on Precise Epidemic Prevention and Control for International Air Cargo Crews
51562 当前,境外新冠肺炎疫情加速扩散蔓延,外防输入形势严峻复杂。 Currently, China is facing tough and complex challenges in containing the import of COVID-19 as the outbreak picks up speed in other countries.