ID 原文 译文
51780 本报告通过广泛采集征询专家学者意见,基于权威文献资料梳理,由媒体联合科研机构进行共同研究,以期以调研报告形式客观反映中国抗击疫情的做法和举措。 This report, the result of an extensive collection of experts' and scholars' opinions as well as a meticulous compilation of authoritative documents, is a public research project by the joint efforts of media groups and scientific research institutions for the express purpose of objective reflection of China's practices and measures to combat the COVID-19 outbreak.
51781 受水平和时间限制,研究不够深入全面系统,特别是随着疫情形势变化和抗疫工作取得新的进展,尚需不断更新充实完善。 Due to time and authorial limits, the research is not perfect and will need continuous updates and improvements, particularly given the rapid changes in the pandemic situation and new progress in the fight against it.
51782 作为较早总结中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情实践的一种尝试,望能起到“抛砖引玉”之效,以尊重科学、遵从规律、尊崇实践的精神,不断总结好人类战胜重大传染性疾病的经验。 It is best viewed as an early attempt to summarize China's practices in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, a trailblazer in the hope of clearing the path for better ones later, to continue in the spirit of respecting science, universal rules and common practices the chronicling of our experience as human beings in overcoming this major infectious disease.
51783 《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国实践》联合课题组 2020 4 21 Editorial Team of “China's Fight Against COVID-19” April 21, 2020
51784 社会共识和全民动员 Universal consensus and public mobilization
51785 及时全面公开透明发布疫情信息 Timely release of information
51786 普及防控科学知识 Dissemination of knowledge about prevention and control
51787 主流媒体加强舆论引导提供舆论支持 Public opinion guidance and support by mainstream media
51788 全民参与形成社会合力 Universal participation with social cohesion
51789 社会隔离和交通管控 Social isolation and traffic control