ID 原文 译文
51790 重灾区”实施“封城”和“停运” City lockdown and transport freeze in hardest-hit areas
51791 非疫情严重地区实施分级交通管制 Differentiated traffic controls in less severe areas
51792 以多种手段避免人员聚集和交叉感染 Tactics to prevent social gathering and cross-infections
51793 把社区隔离作为阻断病毒的基础性防线 Community isolation basic line of defense
51794 排查检测和动态监测 Screening, testing and dynamic monitoring
51795 以社区为单位全面排查 Thorough screening at communities
51796 提高检测水平 Improving virus testing
51797 建立动态管理体系 Establishing a dynamic management system
51798 深入进行流调工作 Intensifying epidemiological investigation
51799 甄别四类人员进行分类处理 Handling four groups for specific treatment