ID 原文 译文
51810 高效执行机制和全面应对措施 Efficient execution mechanisms and comprehensive countermeasures
51811 专家意见摘要 Experts' view
51812 新冠肺炎疫情发生后,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视,始终把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,习近平总书记亲自领导、亲自指挥、亲自部署,领导全党、全军和全国人民打响疫情防控的“人民战争”,以“准战时”的领导指挥体系和因时因势制定的战略策略,为中国抗击疫情提供了坚强领导、根本遵循和科学指引。 After the outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese government gave top priority to the fight against the virus and put the people's lives and health before everything. President Xi Jinping has led the whole nation in a people's war of prevention and control against the virus. The “wartime-like” command mechanism and the strategies formulated in accordance with the ground reality offered strong leadership.
51813 中国坚持紧紧依靠人民群众,把公众知情作为构建政府与公众之间良性沟通互动和形成强大共识的重要前提,公众基于社会责任感和对政府的信任感积极参与抗击疫情,形成“万众一心、众志成城”的局面。 The Chinese government has upheld the principle of relying on the people and considered keeping them well informed as a key element to build consensus between the government and the public. Thanks to their social responsibility and trust in the government, the people took an active part in fighting the epidemic with a united will.
51814 灵活人性化社会管控以及以传统隔离方式为主的非医疗干预成为遏制疫情蔓延的关键因素;以流行病学调查为核心的排查、检测和监测,成为切断病毒传播链条和对患者实施及时救治的关键环节。 The flexible and humanized social management and non-medical intervention featured by standard quarantine measures became key factors for containing the spread of the virus. The screening, test and supervision measures and epidemiological investigation proved to be crucial in cutting off the chain of virus transmission.
51815 以分级设置医院和按病情分类分流救治轻、中、重症患者,坚持中西医结合,大幅度降低了感染率、病亡率,提升了治愈率。 By assorting hospitals based on utility, differentiating patients and the treatments they received based on their conditions, and integrating traditional Chinese medicine into therapy, China sharply decreased the infection rate and fatality rate, and at the same time raised the recovery rate.
51816 同时,发挥制度优势,在全国范围内高效配置资源,打响后勤保障战,举全国之力打赢“湖北保卫战”、“武汉保卫战”,取得了疫情防控阶段性重要成效。 Meanwhile, China made full use of the advantage of its social system, allocated resources with high efficiency across the country and secured much-needed logistics support. With the whole natione's efforts to fight the battle of protecting Hubei and Wuhan, China has made initial achievements in prevention and control of the virus.
51817 中国从国情实际出发,边实践边总结边完善,努力在控制疫情和救治病患等方面探索出一套行之有效的“中国实践”和“中国方法”。 Based on its own national situation, China has explored a set of practices and methods in the prevention and control of disease as well as the treatment of patients.
51818 抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国实践 China's Fight Against COVID-19
51819 新冠肺炎疫情这一近百年来传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的突发公共卫生事件。 COVID-19, which has spread rapidly and enveloped most of the world, is a global public health crisis the likes of which we have not seen in a century.