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51820 |
疫情发生后,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,中国坚持以人民为中心,采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措,以巨大勇气和强大力量,坚决阻断全国本土疫情传播,取得了疫情防控阶段性重要成效。 |
After the outbreak, the Chinese government adopted the most comprehensive, stringent and thorough prevention and control measures in an attempt to bring the virus under control. With great courage and will, the spread of the virus has almost been tamed, marking an initial triumph for the country. |
51821 |
如何有效应对百年不遇的全球大流行疫情,目前仍是有待国际社会共同破解的世界难题,中国从国情实际出发,遵循传染病防控客观规律,边实践边总结边完善,并不断应对新的挑战,努力在控制疫情和救治病患等方面探索出一套行之有效的“中国实践”和“中国方法”。 |
As most of the world struggles to cope, China — by analyzing its experiences and summarizing its achievements — has been searching for an optimal approach. The country has been trying to explore a set of practices and approaches that can be effective in curbing the spread of the virus and curing the infected. |
51822 |
中国日报社中国观察智库,在采访征询 60 余位公共卫生专家和中外学者意见 基础上,联合清华大学国情研究院、北京协和医学院卫生健康管理政策学院共同 研究,初步梳理总结中国抗击疫情的经验和做法,形成本报告。 |
China Watch Institute, a China Daily think tank, interviewed more than 60 Chinese and international public health experts and scholars in other fields to compile this report in collaboration with the Institute of Contemporary China Studies at Tsinghua University and the School of Health Policy and Management at Peking Union Medical College. This report presents a preliminary summary of what China has achieved in its fight against the virus. |
51823 |
社会共识和全民动员 |
Universal consensus and public mobilization |
51824 |
应对新冠肺炎这样的重大疫情,及早在全社会形成正确认知和推动公民自觉行动至关重要。 |
To deal with such a pandemic, it is essential to fully understand the situation and mobilize the general public to do whatever is required of them. |
51825 |
一方面,坚持实事求是,本着公开、透明、负责任的态度及时发布疫情信息,向公众提供持续、清晰、重要的信息,让人民群众及时全面了解政府应对疫情的方针政策和战略举措,把“公众充分知情”作为构建政府与公众之间良性沟通互动和形成强大社会共识的重要前提。 |
On the one hand, Chinese authorities released timely data in an open, transparent and responsible manner to provide people with dynamic, clear andimportant information so that they could fully understand the government's policies, strategies and measures to deal with the epidemic. Making sure “the public is fully informed” is key to establishing strong social consensus. |
51826 |
另一方面,公众基于社会责任感和对政府的信任感,积极投入到对疫情的全民抗击之中,形成“万众一心、众志成城”的“人民战争”局面。 |
On the other hand, with a strong sense of social responsibility and trust in the government, people actively participated in the nationwide fight against the virus: a “people's war” powered by a united will. |
51827 |
紧紧依靠人民,是中国抗击疫情的重要经验。 |
Relying strongly on people is a key component in “winning the war”. |
51828 |
及时全面公开透明发布疫情信息 |
Timely release of information |
51829 |
建立日常新闻发布机制,第一时间公布疫情信息。 |
A daily news release mechanism was established to publish vital information. |