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51830 在两个多月时间中,国务院新闻办、相关部门以国务院联防联控工作机制名义及疫情最严重的湖北省,共举行近200场发布会,此外北京市等其他省区市也召开当地的新闻发布会数百场。 In the two months after the outbreak, the Information Office of the State Council, Hubei province, the hardest hit area in the country, and other departments held nearly 200 press conferences; other provinces and municipalities have also done the same.
51831 这些现场直播的发布会全面通报疫情及抗疫工作最新进展,充分回应国内外舆论关切。 The live broadcasts updated the public with the latest developments and addressed public concerns at home and abroad.
51832 启动疫情数据日报制度,及时全面提供精准分类信息。 A daily report system was launched to provide accurate and comprehensive data.
51833 国家卫健委在官方网站等政务平台每日通报前一日各地新增确诊病例、新增治愈出院病例、当日解除医学观察的密切接触者、新增重症病例、新增死亡病例、新增疑似病例、隔离治疗、重症病例、累计报告确诊病例、累计治愈出院、累计死亡病例、现有疑似病例、累计追踪到密切接触者、尚在医学观察的密切接触者和后期增加发布的无症状感染者相关情况,以及累计收到港澳台地区通报确诊病例等各种相关数据。 The National Health Commission announced on its websites and other platforms the numbers of new confirmed, suspected, recovered, discharged cases and deaths, the number of people who have had close contact with confirmed cases and under medical observation, and the updated number of asymptomatic cases, as well as similar data in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
51834 坚持对历史负责,依法适时订正病例 数据。 After the outbreak was basically brought under control, Wuhan organized an epidemiological investigation with the help of big data technology and based on that, the city revised the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths.
51835 在疫情得到控制后,为确保信息公开透 明、数据准确,针对疫情早期因收治能力不足 患者在家中病亡、信息登记不全等原因,客观 上存在迟报、漏报、重报、误报现象,根据相 关法律规定,组织涉疫大数据与流行病学调查, 武汉市对确诊和病死病例进行订正,其中确诊 病例的死亡数核增 1290 例,累计为3869 例。 The number of deaths added was 1,290, bringing the total number to 3,869 in the city.
51836 创新使用和实时更新“疫情地图”,通告应急响应信息。 The “epidemic map” was updated in real time to display figures on infections and deaths.
51837 各地利用大数据技术公布的“疫情地图”,通过社区名称、地址和位置,标明疫情传播具体地点、距离、人数等,并视情况不断调整应急响应和防控警报机制,及时公布交通管制等措施,以便于公众更有效防范传染,遏制病毒扩散。 All regions could refer to the map, which is supported by big data technology, for the precise location and number of infection cases in a specific community to respond in quick time and promptly formulate traffic control and other measures.
51838 普及防控科学知识 Dissemination of knowledge about prevention and control
51839 充分发挥“意见领袖”的舆论影响力,增强全社会的科学防治意识。 Key opinion leaders played a major role in raising public awareness of scientific prevention and control.