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51840 |
组织科学家和科研机构在扎实研究基础上,通过各类发布会、接受媒体采访和互联网不断发布科学防治的权威观点和专业意见建议,提高公众科学认知水平,指导科学防治,倡导科学消杀,特别是推动全面普及戴口罩、勤洗手、常通风等最简单、最有效的大众防护措施,大力提升公众自我防护能力。 |
Scientists and research institutions regularly released professional opinions and suggestions via press conferences, interviews and the internet and widely promoted simple but effective self-protection measures such as wearing face masks, washing hands regularly and ventilating rooms. |
51841 |
发布操作性强的“防控指南”,有针对性地对公众进行具体指导。 |
Practical and feasible prevention and control guidelines were also issued. |
51842 |
国家卫健委发布通用、旅行、家庭、公共场所、公共交通工具、居家医学观察等6份公众预防指南,以及专门针对农村地区的《农村居民防控新冠肺炎问答手册》。 |
The National Health Commission published six public prevention guidelines for general occasions, travel, family, public places, public transport and medical observation at home, as well as a question-and-answer manual specifically for rural residents. |
51843 |
中国疾病预防控制中心公布《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众防护指南》,从个人与家庭防护、居家医学观察、理性就医、心理疏导等方面解疑释惑,让公众有效掌握防护技巧和防护手段。 |
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a “Guideline for Public Prevention of Pneumonia caused by Novel Coronavirus” which helped the public understand prevention methods and answered their questions about individual and family preventive measures, medical observation at home, medical treatment and psychological counseling. |
51844 |
及时开展心理干预,引导民众正确面对。 |
Psychological intervention was also used to guide the public to get through the trying times. |
51845 |
国家卫健委发布《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情紧急心理危机干预指导原则》,实施分类干预;国务院联防联控机制印发《关于设立应对疫情心理援助热线的通知》,各地在原有心理援助热线基础上设立应对疫情心理援助热线;高校开通疫情心理支持热线和网络辅导服务,互联网医院及相关企业、机构提供网络在线、电话热线等社会心理服务。 |
The National Health Commission issued “Guiding Principles for Emergency Psychological Intervention for Pneumonia caused by the Novel Coronavirus” and a notice on psychological assistance requiring all localities to establish a hotline specifically to offer psychological help. Universities, online hospitals and related companies also opened psychological support hotlines and online counseling services. |
51846 |
主流媒体加强舆论引导提供舆论支持 |
Public opinion guidance and support by mainstream media |
51847 |
新闻媒体深入宣传党中央重大方针决策部署。 |
The news media gave full publicity to the government's major policies and decisions. |
51848 |
同时,充分报道各地区各部门联防联控措施成效,让民众始终了解党和政府正在做什么、还要做什么,充分反映广大党员干部和人 民群众抗击疫情特别是一线医务人员、社区工作者、志愿者以及公安干警和“下沉干部”的生动事迹,凝聚抗击疫情的精神力量,努力推动形成全国上下全面动员、全面部署、全面加强疫情防控的局面。 |
The mainstream media reported on the achievements in the fight against the virus and updated the public on what was to be done. They covered moving stories of frontline medical workers, community workers, volunteers, police officers and other officials. These stories inspired an increasing number of citizens from all walks of life to participate in prevention and control efforts across the country. |
51849 |
大众传播和网络媒体加强针对性引导,着力化解民众存在的焦虑、恐惧心理。 |
Mass communication and digital media used their strengths to allay people's anxiety and fear. |