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51850 除多层次高密度发布权威信息,全面反映抗疫救援、物资保障、疫苗研制、社会捐助等公众关心的重大问题,也正视存在的问题,不回避矛盾,通过舆论监督推动问题解决。 In addition to releasing a large amount of authoritative information on multiple channels, they also revealed existing problems, helped find solutions and answered major public concerns in terms of anti-epidemic work, logistic support, development of vaccines and public donations.
51851 在各类平台上设立专区解读疫情、分析数据、研判趋势并及时辟谣,以可信事实和翔实数据澄清是非,引导公众正确理性看待疫情,增强自我防范意识,依法行动、依法行事。 Many set up special columns on their platforms to interpret the situation, analyze data and research, predict trends and promptly debunk rumors with credible facts and detailed data.
51852 全民参与形成社会合力 Universal participation with social cohesion
51853 人民群众积极响应配合政府的防控部署与号召,较快形成“全民参与、群防群控”的有利局面。 The people's active response to the government's call and their cooperation resulted in the entire society participating in efforts by government organs and social organizations.
51854 基于对防疫形势的理解和集体主义精神的民族文化价值,结合2003年抗击SARS的经历,人民群众以切身感受和实际行动自觉推动形成包括政府机构、企业、社会组织、基层社区、志愿者群体以及家庭和个人为一体的全民抗疫大局。 With solidarity and the experience of fighting the severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, in 2003, government institutions, enterprises, social organizations, communities, volunteer groups, families and individuals all united as one.
51855 公民高度自律并自觉作出自我牺牲,使社会防控部署措施得以全面顺利落实。 Citizens' self-discipline and their willingness to sacrifice facilitated the smooth implementation of prevention and control measures.
51856 无论是重点地区的长时间“封城”、全国普遍施行的社区准入管理还是全民居家隔离、特定情况下的“14天”自我隔离,以及家庭和个人卫生习惯、社会交往限制,都得到全体民众的严格执行,为有效降低病毒传染率奠定了强大的社会基础。 Be it lockdowns of key areas, tight management of communities, home isolation or self-quarantine, family and personal hygiene habits or social distancing requirements, people laid a solid foundation for effectively reducing the rate of infection.
51857 社区建设体现重要作用,“网格化管理”是遏制疫情扩散的关键因素。 Community-based management has been a key factor for curbing the spread of the virus.
51858 社区网络作为一种“兜底”的社会管理机制,全国400万名城乡社区工作人员在志愿者配合下,对65万个城乡社区深入走访,宣讲防疫知识,进行心理疏导、收接快递、代购生活必需品等工作,实现了疫情防控“纵向到底、横向到边”,确保排查救治“一户不漏、一人不落”,使消毒消杀和环境整治“不留死角、没有缝隙”,同时让对人民群众的支持保障服务直接进入数亿家庭。 As an extension of governance for social management, 4 million community workers, together with volunteers, visited 650,000 urban and rural communities across the country to communicate epidemic prevention knowledge, offered psychological counseling and helped households receive daily necessities. They helped provide dragnet screening of potential virus carriers, made sure every corner was disinfected and helped millions of households with difficulties in making a living.
51859 社会隔离和交通管控 Social isolation and traffic control