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51860 |
中国是一个超大规模人口流动社会。 |
China has huge people flows. |
51861 |
在没有疫苗和特效药的情况下,以传统隔离方式为主的非医疗干预是阻断重大疫情蔓延的最基本和最有效手段。 |
In the absence of vaccines or treatment protocols, self-isolation, as a standard quarantine measure, proved to be the most effective non-medical means to stop the spread of the virus. |
51862 |
面对新冠疫情的暴发,中国实施史无前例的大规模公共卫生应对举措,“上游堵截”,切断疫情严重地区的传染源;其他区域进行“全面防控”。 |
China mobilized an unprecedented large-scale public health response, with “upstream interception” in areas with severe outbreaks to cut off the source of infection and “full prevention and control” in other areas. |
51863 |
超常规的社会隔离措施和灵活、人性化的社会管控,阻断了病毒的大面积扩散,成为遏制疫情在全国蔓延的最关键因素。 |
The exceptional measures of social isolation and the discretionary and humane approach to social control stalled the spread of the virus and proved to be the most critical factor throughout the country. |
51864 |
“重灾区”实施“封城”和“停运” |
City lockdown and transport freeze in hardest-hit areas |
51865 |
对离汉离鄂通道实施封闭和管控,最大限度切断病毒传播途径。 |
Outbound travel was suspended and tight restrictions were imposed in Wuhan and Hubei province to cut off the virus' transmission as much as possible. |
51866 |
暂停武汉 及湖北多地轮渡、长途客运、机场、火车站运营,全国暂停入汉道路水路客运班线发班。 |
Ferry, long-distance passenger transport, air and rail links were suspended in Wuhan and Hubei, and all passenger transport to Hubei stopped. |
51867 |
在高速公路收费站口、国省市县村道口建立交通管控卡口 1501 个,其中武 汉市 51个,其他市州1450个,阻断病毒向全国以及省内卫生基础设施薄弱的农村地区扩散。 |
A total of 1,501 traffic checkpoints were established in Hubei province, at highway toll gates and road crossings in cities, counties and villages, including 51 in Wuhan and 1,450 in other cities and prefectures, to stop the virus from spreading to the rest of the country and rural areas with relatively poor health infrastructure within the province. |
51868 |
从 1 月23日开始对武汉这座有 1100 万常住人口的超大型城市实施历时 76天“封城”。 |
Starting January 23, the citywide lockdown of Wuhan, a metropolis of 11 million permanent residents, lasted 76 days. |
51869 |
武汉市及湖北省多地暂停市内公共交通,有效遏制病毒传染面源。 |
Intra-city public transport in Wuhan and many other cities in Hubei was suspended. |