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51870 |
武汉全市城市公交、地铁、轮渡、长途客车暂停运营,除抗疫车辆、运输生活必需品车辆以及消防、抢险、环卫、警车等特种车辆外,其他车辆一律禁止通行,湖北其他地区也实现疫情防控和交通保障统筹兼顾,大幅减少市内人员流动和由此可能产生的病毒传播。 |
Wuhan suspended the operation of buses, subways, ferries and longdistance buses. Except for anti-epidemic vehicles, vehicles for transporting daily necessities, and special vehicles used for firefighting, emergency rescue, sanitation and police patrol, all other vehicles were barred from the road. Other areas in Hubei also carried out similar measures depending upon conditions. |
51871 |
非疫情严重地区实施分级交通管制 |
Differentiated traffic controls in less severe areas |
51872 |
对湖北以外地区实施差异化交通管控,防止湖北省疫情外溢蔓延。 |
Differentiated traffic controls were implemented in areas outside Hubei to prevent the outbreak from spilling over. |
51873 |
湖北周边省份筑牢环鄂交通管控“隔离带”,防止重灾区疫情向周边传播。 |
The provinces abutting Hubei built traffic control “isolation zones” around it. |
51874 |
全国其他地区根据辖区内低风险、中风险、高风险县(市、区、旗)名单,实行分区分级精准防控,对道路客运、城市公共交通(含城市轨道交通)和出租汽车(含网约车)等城 |
Based on risk levels, from low to medium to high, the rest of the country implemented differentiated and region-specific measures of prevention and control within their jurisdictions to manage local transport services, urban public transport (including rail transit), and taxies (including e-hailing service). |
51875 |
乡道路运输服务进行动态管控。 |
Tactics to prevent social gathering and cross-infections |
51876 |
关闭娱乐休闲性公共场所,加强公共服务设施防控。 |
Public places for entertainment and leisure such as cinemas, theaters, internet cafes and gyms were closed. |
51877 |
关闭影院、剧院、网吧以及健身房等场所,对车站、机场、码头、农贸市场、商场、超市、餐馆、酒店、宾馆等必须开放的公共服务类场所,以及汽车、火车、飞机等密闭交通工具,落实环境卫生整治、消毒、通风、“进出检”、限流等措施,进入人员必须测体温、戴口罩,避免交叉感染。 |
At public places that had to be open — including stations, airports, docks, agricultural markets, shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants and hotels, and in transport such as cars, trains and airplanes, measures like sanitation, disinfection, ventilation, inspections and crowd limits were in place. People had to wear face masks and have their temperature checked before entering these facilities. |
51878 |
推行在家办公,实行远程教学。 |
Working from home and distance education were promoted. |
51879 |
取消或延缓各种公众聚集性活动,政府机关和企事业单位落实用工单位防控,按照“少接触、少聚集”原则,采取线上办公、错峰上班、轮流到岗等弹性工作方式。 |
Public gatherings were either canceled or postponed. Government agencies, public institutions and enterprises implemented prevention and control measures to manage employees, adopted more flexibility such as working online, staggered hours and staff rotation. |