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52113 中新社记者:目前境外新冠肺炎疫情形势仍然严峻,一些国家确诊和死亡病例激增。 China News Service: The COVID-19 situation outside China is still severe, with a surge of confirmed and fatal cases in some countries.
52114 海外不少中国公民遇到种种困难,对自身健康状况和工作学习处境感到担忧。 Many overseas Chinese citizens have encountered various difficulties and are worried about their health and whether they can continue with their work and study business-as-usual.
52115 中国政府以及驻外机构为他们提供了哪些帮助,是否有效解决了他们的关切? What kind of help has the Chinese government and overseas diplomatic missions provided to them and have their concerns been effectively addressed?
52116 耿爽:新冠肺炎疫情在全球扩散蔓延给海外中国公民的健康安全带来持续威胁。 Geng Shuang: The global spread of COVID-19 poses a sustaining threat to the health and safety of Chinese citizens overseas.
52117 中国党和政府始终将切实保护所有中国同胞的安全和健康放在第一位。 The Party and Government in China always put all Chinese compatriots' safety and health in the first place.
52118 习近平主席多次指示加强对境外中国公民疫情防控的指导和支持,传递党和政府的关心和爱护。 President Xi Jinping has on many occasions made instructions to strengthen guidance and support for Chinese citizens abroad in epidemic prevention and control and convey the solicitude of the Party and Government.
52119 疫情暴发以来,习近平主席先后同32个国家领导人和国际组织负责人通话40次。 Since the outbreak began, President Xi Jinping has spoken by phone 40 times with 32 leaders of countries and heads of international organizations.
52120 李克强总理同11个国家领导人和国际组织负责人通话12次。 Premier Li Keqiang has spoken by phone 12 times with 11 leaders of countries and heads of international organizations.
52121 王毅国务委员兼外长同46个国家外长和3个国际组织负责人通话66次。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has spoken by phone 66 times with 46 foreign ministers and heads of three international organizations.
52122 在这些通话中,中方领导人敦促外方切实采取有效措施,保障中国公民的健康安全和合法权益,在居留、生活等方面提供必要便利。 During these calls, the Chinese leaders urged the foreign sides to take effective measures to protect the health, safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and offer them necessary convenience with regard to their stay and everyday life.