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52123 外交部和驻外使领馆坚决、全面贯彻落实党中央决策部署,充分调动各类资源,及时为海外中国公民提供支持和帮助。 The foreign ministry and diplomatic missions overseas have firmly and fully implemented the CPC Central Committee's decisions and instructions, drawing on various resources we have access to offer timely help and support for Chinese citizens abroad.
52124 主要做了以下几方面工作: Our efforts can be summarized in the following aspects:
52125 一是同驻在国政府外交、卫生、教育、警务、移民等部门保持密切联系,协调外方在签证延期、诊断救治和安全保障等方面向中国公民提供便利和协助。 First, we have been in close contact with the host countries' governments and departments in charge of diplomacy, health, education, police and immigration to facilitate visa extension and medical diagnosis and treatment for Chinese citizens and ensure their safety.
52126 二是通过增设领事保护求助电话、开通微信群组等方式向海外中国公民群体提供更好、更及时的信息咨询服务。 Second, we have upgraded information services and made them more readily available to overseas Chinese citizens by setting up new consular protection hotline and creating WeChat groups.
52127 近两个月,外交部12308领事保护热线电话接听近17万通,为去年同期的3倍。 In the past two months or so, the 12308 consular protection hotline of the Foreign Ministry has received nearly 170,000 calls, three times the number for the same period last year.
52128 三是协助确诊或疑似感染的中国公民及时就医,持续跟踪治疗情况,敦促驻在国大力救治。 Third, we have assisted Chinese citizens who have been confirmed with or suspected of infections in getting timely medical help and followed up with their conditions while urging host countries to spare no effort in their treatment.
52129 紧急筹措必要防疫物资,多渠道向在外中国公民发放,以解燃眉之急。 We have raised urgently-needed epidemic prevention materials in a short time and distributed them via different channels to Chinese citizens abroad, taking the heat out of their pressing situation.
52130 中国驻美国、英国、俄罗斯、日本、德国等多国使领馆安排馆长或组织中国医疗专家与当地中国侨胞、留学生和中资企业人员开展视频交流。 Embassies and consulates in the US, the UK, Russia, Japan, Germany and other countries arranged for heads of mission or organized Chinese medical experts to conduct virtual exchanges with Chinese people living, working and studying there.
52131 提供医疗专业咨询和心理疏导,向他们推介国内在线健康咨询服务。 They also offered professional medical advice and psychological counseling and recommended domestic online health consulting services to them.
52132 四是针对一些疫情严重国家,外交部等部门协调各方力量和资源,采取派出临时航班等方式,逐步、有序、多批次接回确有困难、急需回国的中国同胞。 Fourth, for those Chinese citizens in severely affected countries who are in real difficulty and in urgent need of returning home, the Foreign Ministry and other involved departments, with coordinated efforts and resources, sent out temporary flights to bring them home in a gradual and orderly way.