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52133 五是重点关怀海外留学人员群体。 Fifth, we have given priority to overseas students.
52134 我们像照顾自己的孩子一样照料留学人员。 We look after these students as if they were our own children.
52135 截至4月初,外交部协调各部门筹措、调配并多渠道向海外中国留学人员发放“健康包”50余万份。 By early April, the foreign ministry has coordinated with various departments to raise, allocate and distribute more than 500,000 health kits to overseas Chinese students.
52136 多个使领馆设立“留学生国内家长咨询热线”,积极帮助当地未成年学生解决实际困难。 A number of Chinese embassies and consulates have set up hotlines for parents who are in China and reached out to underage students to address their practical difficulties.
52137 上述的一系列举措有效缓解了海外同胞的焦虑情绪,稳住了人心,鼓舞了士气,对他们立足当地、做好防护起到了积极作用。 These measures effectively alleviated the anxiety of overseas compatriots and played a stabilizing, encouraging and positive role in their lives and their response to the pandemic.
52138 来自中国驻外使领馆守望相助、血浓于水的温暖和关爱得到海内外同胞的高度评价和普遍赞誉,进一步激发了他们的爱国热情,也激励着全体外交人员进一步做好有关工作。 The mutual help and warmth and love from overseas embassies and consulates have won high recognition and universal praise from our compatriots at home and abroad, which has further aroused their patriotism and inspired all diplomatic personnel to do a better job.
52139 我们将根据党中央和国务院关于疫情防控常态化的要求和部署,继续协调有关各方积极开展精准防控。 In accordance with the requirements and instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, we will continue to coordinate with relevant parties to actively implement anti-epidemic measures.
52140 及时为海外中国同胞提供更多支持和帮助,为最终战胜疫情共同作出努力。 We will provide more help and support to Chinese compatriots overseas in a timely manner, and make joint efforts to achieve the final victory over the pandemic.
52141 塔斯社记者:美国密苏里州总检察长施密特周二在密苏里东区联邦地区法院起诉中国政府。 TASS News Agency: Attorney General Eric Schmitt of the State of Missouri filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Chinese government in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri over the coronavirus.
52142 称中国政府要为新冠肺炎疫情在密苏里州乃至全球造成大量死亡、病痛和经济损失负责。 He alleged that Chinese officials are "responsible for the enormous death, suffering, and economic losses they inflicted on the world, including Missourians".