ID 原文 译文
52143 中方对此有何评论? Does the Chinese Foreign Ministry have any comments on this allegation?
52144 耿爽:这种所谓的控告毫无事实和法律依据,十分荒唐。 Geng Shuang: This kind of "lawsuit" has no factual or legal basis. It only invites ridicule.
52145 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中国政府始终本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,及时向世卫组织以及包括美国在内的有关国家和地区通报疫情信息。 Since the outbreak began, the Chinese government has been nothing but open, transparent and responsible in timely informing the WHO and relevant countries and regions including the US of pandemic-related information.
52146 分享病毒基因序列,积极回应各方关切,加强同国际社会合作。 We have shared the genome sequence of the virus, actively responded to the concerns of all parties and strengthened cooperation with the international community.
52147 我们最近已经用时间线的方式介绍了中美沟通的详细情况。 Recently, we used a timeline to detail our exchange of information with the US.
52148 中方自1月3日起就开始向美方定期通报信息。 Since January 3, China has been regularly updating all countries including the US on the latest development of the situation.
52149 美方从中方获取疫情信息和数据的渠道是畅通的。 The US has unfettered access to information and data from China.
52150 中国为全世界抗击疫情作出了重要贡献。 China has made significant contributions to the global fight against the pandemic.
52151 对于这一点,国际社会有目共睹,也都普遍给予高度赞赏。 The international community bears witness to and highly commends this.
52152 这起所谓的诉讼纯属恶意滥诉,有违基本法理。 Such lawsuit is nothing short of frivolous litigation which defies the basic theory of the law.