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52153 根据国际法上的主权平等原则,中国各级政府在疫情防控方面所采取的主权行为不受美国法院管辖。 Based on the principle of sovereign equality prescribed by international law, US courts have no jurisdiction over the sovereign actions taken by Chinese governments of all levels in response to the epidemic.
52154 此类滥诉不利于美国国内的疫情防控,也与当前国际抗疫合作背道而驰。 Such frivolous litigation will not help the US with its epidemic response, nor will it contribute to the global cooperation in this regard.
52155 美方现在正确的做法应当是驳回滥诉。 The right course of action for the US side is to dismiss this abusive lawsuit.
52156 法新社记者:皮尤中心昨天公布的民调数据显示,66%的美民众对华持负面看法。 AFP: According to a study released yesterday from the Pew Research Center, 66 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of China.
52157 中方对此有何评论? What's your comment?
52158 耿爽:中美友好,合乎中美两国民意,顺应两国民心,也符合两国共同利益。 Geng Shuang: A friendly China-US relationship is the aspiration of people in both countries and serves the two sides' common interests.
52159 我们一向认为,中美合则两利,斗则俱伤,合作是双方唯一正确的选择。 It is our consistent belief that China and the US stand to gain from cooperation, which is the only right choice, and lose from confrontation.
52160 我们希望美方与中方相向而行,在相互尊重基础上管控分歧。 We hope the US will work with China for the same goal, manage differences on the basis of mutual respect.
52161 我们希望在互惠互利基础上拓展合作,共同推进以协调、合作、稳定为基调的中美关系。 We hope to expand mutually-beneficial cooperation and jointly advance a bilateral relationship featuring coordination, cooperation and stability.
52162 中央广播电视总台央视记者:日前,马云接受央视《新闻1+1》节目采访。 CCTV: On April 17, Jack Ma sat down with News 1+1 for an interview.