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52163 当被问及如何看待有人批评他向外国捐赠抗疫物资时表示,大概任何国家都有1%左右的脑子撞坏的混蛋。 When asked how to respond to criticism on his donations to foreign countries, he said that probably in any country, 99 percent are good people and 1 percent are brain-damaged.
52164 如果我们多关注了1%,而忘掉了99%善良的人群,这是人类的悲哀。 If we focus too much on the 1 percent and lose sight of the 99 percent, it would be too sad.
52165 你对此有何评论? What is your comment?
52166 中方对外提供抗疫援助情况如何? And could you update us on the assistance China has offered to the world?
52167 耿爽:马云先生的话很直接、也很坦率。 Geng Shuang: Mr. Jack Ma was being very candid and straightforward.
52168 作为外交部发言人我这里要说的是,在大灾大难面前,自私、仇恨、攻讦,从来不是正确的选择。 As a foreign ministry spokesperson, I'd like to say that in the face of major disasters and plagues, selfishness, hatred or acrimony is never the right choice.
52169 良知、互助、感恩才是强大的力量。 It is good conscience, mutual assistance and gratitude that gives us strength.
52170 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,国际社会给予中方真诚帮助和大力支持,对此我们铭记在心。 We will never forget the sincere help and strong support we received from the international community after the outbreak of COVID-19.
52171 当前,中国虽然面临“内防反弹、外防输入”的巨大压力,但仍在力所能及范围内向国际社会提供支持和帮助。 Despite the high pressure of guarding against domestic resurgence and imported cases, China has been offering assistance to others as its ability permits.
52172 根据我目前掌握的情况,中国政府已经或正在向150多个国家和国际组织提供急需的医疗物资援助。 According to statistics on hand, the Chinese government has provided or is providing urgently-needed medical supplies to more than 150 countries and international organizations.